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Fishy Acronyms


  • Fishy Acronyms

    I realized that a lot of us often use acronyms on here, and some people might not know what they mean. Anyone that can add to the list, please do! Looking for just the fishy ones, not the internet ones. *:)

    Guess I'll start with a few:

    LFS = Local Fish Store
    DSB = Deep Sand Bed

    WC = Wild Caught (I've seen Water Change also)
    MTS = Malaysian Trumpet Snail or Multiple Tank Syndrome

    Regarding lights:
    PC/CF = Power Compact / Compact Fluorescent
    NO = Normal Output
    HO = High Output
    VHO = Very High Output
    MH = Metal Halide

    F1 = First generation after wc
    F# = F and then a number denoting the generation

    UGF = Under Gravel Filter
    UGJ = Under Gravel Jets

    MTS = Multiple Tank Syndrome

    RCS = Red Cherry Shrimp
    CRS = Crystal Red Shrimp

    ADA = Aqua Design Amano
    AS = Aquasoil
    PS = Powersand

    IMO = In My Opinion

    RLC = Rift Lake Cichlids
    HOB = Hang On Back (Filter)

    GPH = Gallons Per Hour
    LPH = Liters Per Hour
    WPG = Watts Per Gallon
    W/C = Water Change
    GH = General Hardness
    KH = Carbonate Hardness
    No3 = Nitrates
    No2 = Nitrites
    NH3 = Ammonia
    pH = *A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution

    Tank dimensions, for example 20H or 20L:
    H = High
    L = Long
    #(20) refers to gallons

    when talking about Bettas
    PK = plakat (wild type = short tail)
    VT = veil tail
    DT = Delta Tail
    CT = crown tail
    DT = double tail
    HM = half moon tail
    OHM = over half moon tail
    BF = butterfly patern
    PB = piebald / light colored face
    Mask = face same color as body (not black)

    bbs = baby brine shrimp

    Regarding Water Chemistry / Quality
    RO = Reverse Osmosis (sometimes R/O)
    TFC = Thin Film Composite (RO unit membrane)
    PPM = parts per million
    TDS = Total Dissolved Solids (measured in uS, microsiemens)
    TWP = Tap Water Purification
    S.G. = Specific Gravity
    GPD = Gallons Per Day (usually referring to RO output)

    SW = Saltwater (or Seawater)
    LR = Live Rock
    LS = Live Sand
    FOWLR = Fish Only With Live Rock

    Other Ones
    HITH = Hole in the Head (disease)
    QT = Quarantine

    CA - (C)entral (A)merican Cichlids
    SA - (S)outh (A)merican Cichlids

    RTC - Red Tailed Catfish

    • cichlid1409
      cichlid1409 commented
      Editing a comment
      GAC - Granulated Activated Carbon
      RDSB - Remote Deep Sand Bed
      FSB - Fluidized Sand Bed filter
      GFO - Granulated Ferric Oxide (filter media)
      TR - Tank Raised ( a fish of unknown F#)
      ADG - Aquarium Design Group
      CL - Closed Loop (water circulation system)

    • fishboyt
      fishboyt commented
      Editing a comment
      PFS=Pool Filter Sand

    • fishboyt
      fishboyt commented
      Editing a comment
      ABN= Albino Bristlenose Pleco
      BN= Bristlenose Pleco
    Posting comments is disabled.

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