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Oxygen for fish


  • Oxygen for fish

    Oxygen in your Aquarium

    Unless you are pumping pure Oxygen into you aquarium, the Aquarium is limited to the amount of O2 it can get from the air. Air is 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen 1% Argon, .03% CO2 and a lot of trace elements. The maximum amount of Oxygen that your aquarium water can hold is relative to water temperature and salinity. From a high of 9 ppm (mg/l) at 64f for fresh water to a low of 6 ppm at 85f for saltwater. From this maximum amount you can add for plants during day light but subtract for plants at night. Early morning O2 levels are usually the lowest of the day. Also delete for all the fish in your tank. Delete for Snails & bacteria that break down organic wastes.
    All this causes the O2 level at the bottom of your aquarium to be much lower than at the top where the water picks up O2 from the air.

    Five ppm O2 is good for your fish, more is better.
    Four ppm O2 will cause stress. (fish hovering at surface gasping for air)
    Two ppm O2 will cause death.

    To help raise the O2 level in you aquarium closer to it’s maximum you can do the following.

    Remove some of the fish.
    Remove some of the snails.
    Remove some of the organic wastes (water Changes).
    Leave the light on 24/7.
    Circulate the water so that the water on the bottom comes into contact with air. (wet dry filters splash water, air stones lift water & power heads circulate water)

    • Mzungu
      Mzungu commented
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      I think 76-78F is good. Even if they're a little cold, at least they've got plenty of oxygen in their water.

      I really do think that's an okay temp. Especially with what you were saying earlier about the lack of heat in your house. Glad the temp's staying up there!

    • PhishPhreek
      PhishPhreek commented
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      Originally posted by imagirlgeek
      OMG! Until just now, I didn't know that bettas needed their water to be 82F. Ours are at around 76 - 78F these days.
      I keep my fish room 82f for 2 reasons, bettas spawn better at 82f and babies grow faster.... Bigger is better at the fish show

    • imagirlgeek
      imagirlgeek commented
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      Originally posted by Mzungu
      I think 76-78F is good. Even if they're a little cold, at least they've got plenty of oxygen in their water.

      I really do think that's an okay temp. Especially with what you were saying earlier about the lack of heat in your house. Glad the temp's staying up there!
      You wanna know what I did to take care of my cold betta issue? Using the info PP posted in my thread about it, I decided to use something I already had around the house. Heating pads. I have 2 heating pads set on Low, side by side, with a towel on top of them. Then the betta bowls are lined up on them. Piece of cake!
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