Common Name:Red Striped Eartheater, Pearl Eartheater
Scientific Name:Geophagus Surinamensis
Temperature |
pH Range |
Hardness (dH) |
Max. Size |
Min. Tank Size |
Swim Area |
75F - 85F | 6.0 - 9.0 | 15 dH | 12 inches | 75 gallons | Middle and Bottom |
Said to be one of the most attractive Geophagus, the Geophagus Surinamensis is known for sifting through sand to find food and rolling around the substrate in their mouths and spitting out what is not edible. They are a somewhat peaceful cichlid although i have often noticed slight aggression with their own species. They are prone to HITH and thus proper aquarium maintenance is required. They are an extremely enjoyable fish to keep and observe their feeding patterns.
Origin:South America: Suriname - Sarramacca, Maroni and Suriname Rivers
Life Span:12 years
Additional Diet Information:Sift through the sand for food
Gender Difference:
Breeding:Biparental Mouthbrooder
Temperament/Social Behavior:- Peaceful
- Docile
- Schooling fish/Usually found in groups
- Timid/Shy
- Aggressive to same species
Easily Obtained