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Maferyia CI05, Gérys killi


  • Maferyia CI05, Gérys killi

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Name:	geryi2female.jpg
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ID:	952218Click image for larger version

Name:	geryimale.jpg
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Size:	16.3 KB
ID:	952219
    Common Name:
    Maferyia CI05, Gérys killi
    Scientific Name:
    Scriptaphyosemion geryi

    pH Range
    Hardness (dH)
    Max. Size
    Min. Tank Size
    Swim Area
    68F - 74F 5.0 - 7.0 Soft to Medium Soft 2 inches 10 gallons All Areas

    Gerys Killifish is one of a small but interesting group of killifish. They are found in Sierra Leone living in coastal streams and creeks with lots of cover. They are particularly interesting in that each locality seems to have a different color variety.

    Keeping these fish is fairly easy compared to some killies. I use a species group approach. I start with a couple of pairs in a ten gallon covered aquarium. (They jump and can pass through the smallest gaps so a secure cover is necessary.) Normally I fill the tank with !/2-3/4 RO water and 1/2-1/4 Houston water. Treat water and filter through an established sponge filter. Fill the tank with Najas and Java Moss or hornworth. This tank needs only room light as most killies don't like strong light. Let the tank sit for a week or so and the add a couple of pairs. Feed a variety of live, flake and freeze dried foods.Then, depending on their size, they will begin spawning within a week or two if not overnight. The eggs take from 13-21 days to hatch. Fry will be small and the parents seem to leave them alone. The 10 will fill up with fish in a year or so.

    If you wish to collect the eggs the place good aquarium water in a 21/2 gallon to 5 gallon tank then add a sponge filter. I would fill the tank with floating mops that are longer than the depth of the water in the tank. These give you a method of checking for eggs and hiding places for the male and female. In a 5 gallon tank, you could even add a second pair.
    Africa from the Porto Loko region of Sierre Leone north to the mouth of the Gambia River
    Life Span:
    2 - 3 years
    Additional Diet Information:
    Some live foods recommended but will soon learn to take flake and freeze dried foods.
    Gender Difference:
    Temperament/Social Behavior:
    • Peaceful
    • Docile
    • Reclusive/Solitary
    • Timid/Shy

    Rarely Seen
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