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Freshwater Profiles


Freshwater Fish and Plant Profiles

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  • Rummy nose tetra, Firehead tetra

    Rummy nose tetra, Firehead tetra

    Common Name: Rummy nose tetra, Firehead tetra
    Scientific Name:
    Hemigrammus rhodostomus
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  • Von Rio tetra, flame tetra, fire tetra, orange Von Rio tetra

    Common Name: Von Rio tetra, flame tetra, fire tetra, orange Von Rio tetra
    Scientific Name:
    Hyphessobrycon flammeus
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  • Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

    Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

    Common Name: Cardinal tetra
    Scientific Name:
    Paracheirodon axelrodi

    The cardinal tetra has the striking iridescent blue line characteristic of the Paracheirondon species laterally bisecting the fish, with the body below this line being vivid red in color, hence the name 'cardinal tetra'. ...
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  • Cory Catfish

    Cory Catfish

    Common Name:
    Cory Catfish
    Scientific Name:
    Corydoras virginae
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  • Peppered Cory

    Peppered Cory

    Common Name: Peppered Cory
    Scientific Name: Corydoras Paleatus
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  • Banded Loach (Botia Rostrata)

    Banded Loach (Botia Rostrata)

    Common Name: Botia, Geto, Banded Loach
    Scientific Name:
    Botia Rostrata

    This loach is long and slender and generally tan to brown in color. Move in a "slinky" manner. Sometimes dart around rather erratically. Highly entertaining during feeding. Younger fish are sometimes a little too playful with less dominant fish. This species prefers to be in groups of 3 or more.
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  • Tropheus Duboisi

    Tropheus Duboisi

    Common Name: Tropheus Duboisi
    Scientific Name: Tropheus Duboisi
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  • Ventralis, Blue Goldtip Cichlid

    Ventralis, Blue Goldtip Cichlid

    Common Name:Ventralis, Blue Goldtip Cichlid
    Scientific Name:
    Ophthalmotilapia ventralis
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  • Penguin Tetra, Penguin fish, HockeyStick Tetra

    Common Name: Penguin Tetra, Penguin fish, HockeyStick Tetra
    Scientific Name:
    Thayeria boehlkei
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  • Peacock Gudgeon, Peacock Goby, Eye-spot Sleeper

    Small freshwater gudgeons from Papua New Guinea. They are an extremely colorful fish; light blue with red stripes, yellow fins and a distinctive black eye-spot near their tail. They are curious and swim to the front of the tank when I come into the room. They do best kept in pairs. They tend to swim in the middle area of the aquarium unlike most gobies who perch on the bottom. Both sexes show bright blue coloration with many red irregular lines. They have two dorsal fins (the front one is short...
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