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HoustonFishBox is an online community dedicated to bringing together people and their fish in Houston, Southeast Texas, and beyond. Come enjoy the Forum, Photo Gallery, find out about local clubs, and where all the Local Fish Stores are!

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  • Oxygen for fish

    Oxygen for fish

    Oxygen in your Aquarium

    Unless you are pumping pure Oxygen into you aquarium, the Aquarium is limited to the amount of O2 it can get from the air. Air is 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen 1% Argon, .03% CO2 and a lot of trace elements. The maximum amount of Oxygen that your aquarium water can hold is relative to water temperature and salinity. From a high of 9 ppm (mg/l) at 64f for fresh water to a low of 6 ppm at 85f for saltwater. From this maximum amount you can add for plants during day...
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  • How to prepare whole crab for puffers

    How to prepare whole crab for puffers

    Here's a short video on how to prepare whole crab from the local grocery store to feed your puffer. It doesn't matter if it's a fw, bw, or sw puffer the preparation is the same. Also doesn't matter if your puffer is 1" or 20" feeding is the same. Hope you enjoy the video.

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  • Shrimp Mix step-by-step with pictures

    Shrimp Mix step-by-step with pictures

    Several people have asked me about my particular shrimp mix since I do not use gelatin and I thought to post the step by step process in a very detailed way so that it can be seen and its not that scary to make.

    The ingredients list is as follows and does not use or need a gelatin mix..

    The below will make 9 lbs of shrimp mix... which lasts me about a month

    1 lb spinach All ingredients should be fresh, without additives and washed many times. ...
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  • Just Another DIY Egg Tumbler...

    Just Another DIY Egg Tumbler...

    Been wanting to do this for a while now but finally got around to making my first egg tumbler so i thought i would share the experience and show the inexperienced how i assembled it. very easy and only took about 15 min to assemble. i started with a clear plastic fluorescent bulb guard. can be found in the lighting section of HD or lowes. and fiberglass screen like you would use on windows or doors. First I cut a 4" section and a 1 1/2" section off of the clear plastic tube ...
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  • Brackish Water Puffer Information (What kind of puffer can I have?)

    Brackish Water Puffers
    Brackish Water (SG 1.005-1.008 )
    15 Gallons

    Tetraodon biocellatus (figure 8 )
    Water Parameters: Temp: 76 -84 F, PH: 7.8 - 8.3
    Estimated Lifespan: 15 or more years
    Max. Size: 6"
    Temperament: Semi aggressive, can be kept with same species.

    Photo owned by: julianchan (pufferforum member)

    Brackish Water (SG 1.002-1.005)
    25 Gallons

    Tetraodon erythrotaenia (Red-striped...
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  • DIY Bannana Worms

    DIY Bannana Worms

    Bananas aren't just for feeding monkeys anymore.
    They are a worldwide food crop. Did you know that if you separate the bananas from the each other they will ripen more slowly? Ever watch a monkey bite off the end of a banana and peal it towards the stem. If you peal your bananas that way you will not leave any of those messy strings behind. But life is not just a bunch of bananas, attacking the roots of those banana trees are Banana worms. They are a major pest of banana crops worldwide. Banana worm...
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  • Freshwater Puffer Information (What kind of puffer can I have?)

    This seems to be a popular question. Here are some suggestions:
    Freshwater Puffers
    Freshwater 3-5 Gallons

    Carinotetraodon travancoricus (dwarf, pygmy, Indian puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -82.5 F, PH: 6.5 - 7.2
    Estimated Lifespan: 5 or more years
    Max. Size: 1 inch
    Temperament: peaceful, will nip fish fins and invertebrates.

    Owned by: imagirlgeek

    Freshwater 15 Gallons

    Colomesus asellus ( South...
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  • Saltwater Puffer Information (What kind of puffer can I have?)

    Saltwater Puffers
    SG 1.020 & Up

    20 Gallons

    Canthigaster bennetti (Sharpnose Puffer)
    Water Parameters: 74-80, PH 7.9-8.4
    Estimated Lifespan: up to 5 years
    Max. Size: 4"
    Temperament: semi-aggressive

    25 Gallons

    Canthigaster coronata (Crowned Puffer) 5"
    Water Parameters: 74-80, PH...
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    This brine shrimp hatchery consists of a rack made from 1x6 pine, three bubblers and 3 empty rum bottles (1.75 liter) with the bottom cut off and the cap screwed on tight. The bottles sit on a shelf with the bottleneck inserted through a retaining hole in the shelf. Disposable bowl covers are provided as a splashguard.

    Invite a friend or two over to help empty the rum bottles.

    The bubblers consists of a length of rigid plastic tubing on the end
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    The Hydra lived in the swamps near to the city of Lerna in Argolis, and was a terrifying monster.

    The Hydra had the body of a serpent and 9 heads, if any of the heads were severed another would grow in its place. The Hydra's bad breath or poisonous blood was enough to kill man or beast. It totally terrorized the vicinity for many years.

    Like its namesake,...
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