OK, first pH. The ph scale is from 0 to 14. Pure distilled water has a pH of 7, called neutral. pH below 7 is called acid. pH above 7 is called basic. Water is made up of hydrogen ions (seen as hyrdronium ion H3O) and hydroxyl ions (OH). If there is an equal amount of hydrogen and hydroxyl, the pH is 7. More hydrogen ions than hydroxyl and the solution is acid. More hydroxyl ions than hydrogen and the solution is basic.
The pH scale is a logarithmic scale, which means each step is a...
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DIY DeChlorinator
- Created by: PhishPhreek
DIY DeChlorinator
Sodium Thiosulfate, Na2S2O3, is a colorless crystalline compound, also called sodium hyposulfite or "hypo". It is soluble in water and is a mild reducing agent. Thiosulfate will break the bond in Chloramine between the Chlorine and the Ammonia, and it binds Chlorine and most heavy trace metals’.
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Killifish 'lafia gold'
- Created by: PhishPhreek
Killifish 'lafia gold'
Common Name: 'LAFIA GOLD'
Scientific Name: Fundulopanchax gardneri
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Submit an Article
- Created by: imagirlgeek
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Disea... -
Malawi Bloat
- Created by: imagirlgeek
Malawi Bloat
Type of Disease:Protozoan Disease
Disease Name:Malawi Bloat
Additional Names:Cryptobia iubilans
General Information:Cryptobia iubilans is a protozoan parasite believed by many to be the main culprit behind "Malawi Bloat". Bloat is a disease affecting Rift Lake Cichlids, and is also transmissible to Central and South American Cichlids. Cryptobia lives in the gut of infected cichlids. This parasite causes gramulomas (inflammation) in the lining of the stomach. It has als... -
Guide to collecting fish
- Created by: Sea-agg09
- 1 comment
Guide to collecting fish
I figure I should share some background from my collecting experience... Collecting is terrible. In freshwater systems, it’s bloody cold, muddy as hell, and you smell about like you look by the end of it all. Unfortunately for my girlfriend, I love it. Unfortunately, collecting requires some pretty specific equipment if you plan to do anything outside your county. Fortunately, it’s all pretty cheap and anyone with a fish tank probably has most of the supplies. The biggest piece of e... -
Frontosa (Cyphotilapia Frontosa sp. Mpimbwe)
- Created by: FrontosaurusRex
Frontosa (Cyphotilapia Frontosa sp. Mpimbwe)
Common Name: Frontosa, Front, Mpimbwe "blue"
Scientific Name: Cyphotilapia Frontosa sp. Mpimbwe
Frontosa in general are large, slow moving and even tempered cichlids that originate in Africa's largest rift lake: Lake Tanganyika. Frontosa can generally be recognized by these three characteristics: 1. Six, black vertical bars stretching from the head to the tail. 2. A large, scaly hump located on the head. 3. Blue coloration in the dorsal, caudal, anal, pelvic, and pectoral fin.... -
Submit New Species Profile
- Created by: imagirlgeek
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- Any Fish profiles you submit must be your own work. If you want to reference a specialist, that's okay, but try not to make it the bulk of the profile. A few sentences are okay, but make sure you note who the author is. I will look up each profile to assure it has not been plagiarized.
Sardine Cichlid, Cyp
- Created by: armthehomeless
Sardine Cichlid, Cyp
Common Name:Sardine Cichlid, Cyp
Scientific Name:Cyprichromis leptosoma
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Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara hansbaenschi)
- Created by: nitty
Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara hansbaenschi)
Common Name: Peacock Cichlid, Malawi Peacock
Scientific Name: Aulonocara hansbaenschi
Peacock cichlids are a popular cichlid in the hobby, likely due to the bright colors and multiple variants. Peacocks also tend to be less aggressive than other common cichlids. They are also pretty hardy and have no specific dietary needs.
Prefer caves and crevices and become very territorial.
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by sountfcHave breeding adults of both, am just seeing if anyone would be interested in fry for a reasonable price....
Channel: Buy, Sell, or Trade - Livestock
12-29-2024, 10:27 AM -
by BlazeitChrisHowdy! Moving out of state and need to offload my aquarium equipment. Livestock also for sale in my other post. Would prefer to sell tank packages altogether...
Channel: Buy, Sell, or Trade - Equipment
12-28-2024, 05:14 PM -
by BlazeitChrisHowdy! Getting out of the hobby due to a move and looking to re-home some fish.
1) Blue Acara Cichlid 5” ($60)
2) Synodontis...-
Channel: Buy, Sell, or Trade - Livestock
12-28-2024, 04:57 PM -