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  • Red Striped Eartheater, Pearl Eartheater

    Red Striped Eartheater, Pearl Eartheater

    Common Name:
    Red Striped Eartheater, Pearl Eartheater
    Scientific Name:Geophagus Surinamensis
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  • Demon fish, Eartheater Jurupari

    Demon fish, Eartheater Jurupari

    Common Name:
    Demon fish, Eartheater Jurupari
    Scientific Name:
    Geophagus Jurupari
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  • Blue Neon Eartheater (Gymnogeophagus sp. "Blue neon")

    Common Name: Blue Neon Eartheater, Gymnogeophagus Blue Neon Valentine
    Scientific Name:
    Gymnogeophagus sp. "Blue neon"

    Gymnogeophagus species originate from Uraguay. The blue neon gymnogeophagus is a relatively peaceful gymno that does not grow very large or share common fin trailers as pronounced as many other geophagus species. It's beautiful deep color is accented with iridescent blue stripes and purple tips of their fins....
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  • Red hump geophagus, Red hump eartheater

    Red hump geophagus, Red hump eartheater

    Common Name: Red hump geophagus, Red hump eartheater
    Scientific Name: Geophagus steindachneri
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  • Geophagus Heckelli, Threadfin Acara, Threadfin Geophagus

    Common Name: Geophagus Heckelli, Threadfin Acara, Threadfin Geophagus
    Scientific Name:
    Acarichthys heckelii
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  • Harlequin rasbora

    Harlequin rasbora

    Common Name:
    Rasbora heteromorpha, hets, harlequin rasbora, red rasbora
    Scientific Name:
    Trigonostigma heteromorpha

    pH Range
    Hardness (dH)
    Max. Size
    Min. Tank Size
    Swim Area
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  • Doctor fish, Spa fish, Pedicure fish

    Doctor fish, Spa fish, Pedicure fish

    Common Name: Doctor fish, Spa fish, Pedicure fish
    Scientific Name: Garra rufa
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  • Red Jewel, Crown Jewel Cichlid

    Red Jewel, Crown Jewel Cichlid

    Common Name:
    Red Jewel, Crown Jewel Cichlid
    Scientific Name:
    Hemichromis cristatus
    The dwarf West African are the 'Jewel of the Forest'. The countries of Guinea, Ghana, and Nigeria are the home of these outstanding and hard to find fish. They are easy to differentiate from any of the other jewels especially H. lifalili by the fact that the center spot on their side is surrounded by yellow. In addition the opucular spot is golden yellow. There are 4-5 rows of irradescent blue spots
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  • Mbu, Giant Puffer

    Mbu, Giant Puffer

    Common Name: Mbu, Giant Puffer
    Scientific Name:
    Tetraodon mbu

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  • Tropheus Moorii "Ilangi" "Nkamba Bay"

    Tropheus Moorii "Ilangi" "Nkamba Bay"

    Common Name: Tropheus Moorii "Ilangi" "Nkamba Bay"
    Scientific Name: Tropheus Moorii
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