Aphyosemion australe Kap Lopez
Aphy. australe Gold
Aphy. bivattum Funge
Aphy. bitaeniatum
Chromoaphy. volcanum Econdo
Aphy. gabunense
Aphy. gardeneri Macurdi
Apistogramma cacatuoides Double red
Apisto. cacatuoides Dbl. orange
Apisto. nijsseni
Apisto. borelli
Apisto trifasciata
Pelvicachromis Nigeria Red
Albino Red Moscow guppy
Panda loach
Microrasbora (Sundadanio) erythromicron
Xenotaca eiseni
Vietnamese White cloud
Cherry chocolate gourami
Siamese Gecko loach
Indian Spaghetti eel
Black & white crystal shrimp Grade A
Red & white crystal shrimp Grade A
We also received a large plant shipment on Monday and we have another one that came in on Thursday.(we have alot of plants!)
Marble Hatchets
Mbu puffers
Queen Arabesque Plecos.
Goldie Plecos.
Adonis Plecos.
Royal Plecos.
Rope Fish
Aphy. australe Gold
Aphy. bivattum Funge
Aphy. bitaeniatum
Chromoaphy. volcanum Econdo
Aphy. gabunense
Aphy. gardeneri Macurdi
Apistogramma cacatuoides Double red
Apisto. cacatuoides Dbl. orange
Apisto. nijsseni
Apisto. borelli
Apisto trifasciata
Pelvicachromis Nigeria Red
Albino Red Moscow guppy
Panda loach
Microrasbora (Sundadanio) erythromicron
Xenotaca eiseni
Vietnamese White cloud
Cherry chocolate gourami
Siamese Gecko loach
Indian Spaghetti eel
Black & white crystal shrimp Grade A
Red & white crystal shrimp Grade A
We also received a large plant shipment on Monday and we have another one that came in on Thursday.(we have alot of plants!)
Marble Hatchets
Mbu puffers
Queen Arabesque Plecos.
Goldie Plecos.
Adonis Plecos.
Royal Plecos.
Rope Fish