This thread will show you the step by step process of me building a support stand then skinning it with black laminat for Mgarrido aka Miggy the master
Build the matching trays
Instahling the 2X4s
Making sure it is square before instahling the side braces
Then after all the braces are installed the back goes on I leave a two inch gap for wires and hoses
And after that we have a finished support stand tomorrow I'll paint the stand inside and out and start the skin more to come
Build the matching trays
Instahling the 2X4s
Making sure it is square before instahling the side braces
Then after all the braces are installed the back goes on I leave a two inch gap for wires and hoses
And after that we have a finished support stand tomorrow I'll paint the stand inside and out and start the skin more to come