Bunch of decent coral in as well as fish.
Yellow Angel
Lawnmower Blenny
Green Mandarin
Yellow Clown Goby
Tominiensis Tang
Formosa Wrasse - juv
Blue Eye Kole Tang
Banded Pipefish
Black Percula Clowns
Eiblii Angel
Imperator Angel Juv
Alleni Damsels and Neon Blue Damsels (not as aggressive, but still hardy as a brick)
Bicolor Blenny
Black Sailfin Blenny
Starry Blenny
Red Antenna Goby
Yellowtail Gudgeon
Rainway Sleeper Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby - sm
Bluespot Watchman - md
Royal Gramma
Antennata Lion
Red Cardinal
Moorish Idol
Solorensis Fairy Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Sea Apple - I.O
Sand Sifting Staryfishes
Sea Hares - Brown and Blue Spot
Queen Conch
Red strawberry crab
Harlequin Shrimp
Banded serpent star (non-fish-eating detrivore)
Pom pom crabs - really big!
Bumblebee snail
Red Foot grazer snails
Fire Shrimp
Green Long Tentacle Anem.
Neon Green Carpet Anem.

Blastomussa Merletti
Ricordia rocks (4-5 leafs/rock)

Green Hairy Mushroom Rocks
Blue Mushrooms
Orange Tree Sponge
Colt Leathers
Yellow Polyps
Green palys - nice
GSP - mats and frags
Green Finger Leather
Indo Hairy Leathers
Pagoda Cup corals
Porites - colored
Goniopora Green
Green Bubble
Green Meteor Trach - crazy nice.

Red Meteor Trach
Acan Lordo Frags
Acropora Frags - some really nice ones came in by chance lol
Zoanthid frags - wide range of prices.

Random others we still have here.

Yellow Angel
Lawnmower Blenny
Green Mandarin
Yellow Clown Goby
Tominiensis Tang
Formosa Wrasse - juv
Blue Eye Kole Tang
Banded Pipefish
Black Percula Clowns
Eiblii Angel
Imperator Angel Juv
Alleni Damsels and Neon Blue Damsels (not as aggressive, but still hardy as a brick)
Bicolor Blenny
Black Sailfin Blenny
Starry Blenny
Red Antenna Goby
Yellowtail Gudgeon
Rainway Sleeper Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby - sm
Bluespot Watchman - md
Royal Gramma
Antennata Lion
Red Cardinal
Moorish Idol
Solorensis Fairy Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Sea Apple - I.O
Sand Sifting Staryfishes
Sea Hares - Brown and Blue Spot
Queen Conch
Red strawberry crab
Harlequin Shrimp
Banded serpent star (non-fish-eating detrivore)
Pom pom crabs - really big!
Bumblebee snail
Red Foot grazer snails
Fire Shrimp
Green Long Tentacle Anem.
Neon Green Carpet Anem.

Blastomussa Merletti
Ricordia rocks (4-5 leafs/rock)

Green Hairy Mushroom Rocks
Blue Mushrooms
Orange Tree Sponge
Colt Leathers
Yellow Polyps
Green palys - nice
GSP - mats and frags
Green Finger Leather
Indo Hairy Leathers
Pagoda Cup corals
Porites - colored
Goniopora Green
Green Bubble
Green Meteor Trach - crazy nice.

Red Meteor Trach
Acan Lordo Frags
Acropora Frags - some really nice ones came in by chance lol
Zoanthid frags - wide range of prices.

Random others we still have here.