Just arrived this morning)
I am currently remodeling the store to help serve you needs better
Rainbow Celebese
Rainbow Threadfin
Cherry Barb
Super Red Kribensis
Md Black Angelfish
sm Gold Marble Angelfish
Pleco Albino Bristlenose
Chocolate Bristlenose Pleco
L128 Pleco Blue Phantom
LDA33 Pleco White Spot
Assassin Snails
Albino Corydoras
Angelicus Botia Loach
Dwarf Puffer Fish
I am currently remodeling the store to help serve you needs better
Rainbow Celebese
Rainbow Threadfin
Cherry Barb
Super Red Kribensis
Md Black Angelfish
sm Gold Marble Angelfish
Pleco Albino Bristlenose
Chocolate Bristlenose Pleco
L128 Pleco Blue Phantom
LDA33 Pleco White Spot
Assassin Snails
Albino Corydoras
Angelicus Botia Loach
Dwarf Puffer Fish