I did a water change a few months ago and my fish starting dying their eyes were covered in film so I changed the water again 50% and medicated the water and was told to double the chemical dosage when doing a water change now everytime I do a water change one of them dies, and the rest get the same white film on their eyes ???? I also noticed that the green grass or algae growing on dirft wood is turning brown almost like it is dying ?? ANYONE HAVE ANY CLUES ???????PLEASE HELP
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discus fish dying??
Sounds like a water quality issue. Are you checking water parameters? How about the water you are adding? What filters are you using and have you changed them recently. You may have a pockett of something affecting the water quality. Are the eyes protruding any? What are you using to treat the water and where are you located. It sucks I know been there done that
I have two cannister filters, and it has not been six months yet to change everything out, and I am using Kordons for removing all the bad stuff, and Kordons conditioner, It is a 70 gallon tank so I have been doing 20 to 30 percent changes weekly but started doing it every two weeks because they always get sick afterwards, and I live in the 1960/249 area. I feel so bad for fish I have pretty much tried everything I feel like just starting all over but I just cant bring myself to personally kill my fish but I hate watching them just die. They used to be so big and colorful. Eyes are not protruding but have the same white bubble everytime I change water but thats it nothing else and of course they are lazy too
I am by no means a discus man.. However it sounds like they are stressed. Are you running the temp high enough? Have you tried a fungacide? There are several fungus that will cause cloudy eyes. I would try changing out the filters, there might be something in there reducing the water quality. Are there any pesticide being sprayed near the tank. Any lead that could have gotten in the tank. I am just throwing things out now. Do the eyes look like a catarac or are there tiny bubbles forming from the inside out?
I will start checking the water parameters of your tank and tap water (ammonia, nitrates and nitrites). 20-30 gal w/c per week is a bit low but not bad, I will suggest at least 75% 2 times per week and clean the sand periodically. Also clean your filters every month or so. What media are you using in your canister filters and what size are they? try to match the temp of your tap water and tank. What is the temp of your tank?
Discus need really clean water. You need to be doing a few water changes a week when they are healthy and possibly increasing it to daily when they arent. When you wrote that you did a water change a few months ago, that tells me you for sure have water quality issues since this is a discus tank. How many do you have and how big is the tank?
I have a ehiem 2213 and a fluval 305 and figured this was more than enough, and using the standard bio substrate, and pads, and some peat
the temp is at 82 I guess I can bump this up
well I am going to giev it one last try. Ill do 75% twice a week and change out filters once a month and see what happens thanks for all the info everyone
It does completely suck when they all of the sudden just die
No I do the water changes weekly or I changed it to every two weeks only because ever since the problem started a few months ago my tank just went crazy so I just stuck with every two weeks and backed off on the feeding a little. There is only six discus in the tank.
Problem is I have had all these discus for a while now and I have never changed the way I do water changes except for the one day I was running low on the cleaning chemicals so I put in the minimum I was in a hurry and was going out of town and didnt want to miss at the time the weekly water changes and when I came back two days later all my clown, plecos, and neon tetras died up until that point it was a very healthy active tank
There are plenty of people that will tell you that you need to do 100% WC daily for healthy discus. I am not one that prescribes to that notion but I do believe that you need to be doing close to 50% every other day. Once a week or once every two weeks is not enough unless you have 6 discus in a 300+ gallon tank.
My two pennies:
The white covering the eyes is a water quality issue.
Keep the water at 84F. Do daily 50% to 75% partials with thorough substrate cleanings. Get some prime and use it double strength. Discus need CLEAN water. If this means more work/maint on your part then that's what needs to happen. Make sure your replacement water temp is the same as the tank. Once you have a handle on the water quality in the tank, I'd do at least 50% twice weekly partials with monthly cleanings on the filters, alternated every two weeks.
MarkWhat are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.
Robert Anson Heinlein
Mods can you move this to discus or disease section.
well.. what happened?