New shipment arriving Wednesday 6/22 @ Houston Aquarium Warehouse!!!
Fish and Inverts:
Blue Paradise Gourami
Pygmy Pumilus Sparkling Gourami
Assorted Fancy Dwarf Gourami Male
Black Orchid Crowntail Betta
Furcata Rainbow
Signifer Rainbow
Dwarf Maccullochi Rainbow
Boesemani Rainbow
Denisonii Barb / Roseline Shark
Dwarf Emerald Rasbora
Black Neon Tetra
Batik Botia
Berdmore's Loach
Clown Loach
Assorted Fancy Angel
Koi Angel
Gold Nugget Pleco L177 Iriri
Ancistrus Pleco
Fire Eel
Peacock Eel
Senegalus Polypterus
Red Rili Shrimp
Blue Rili Shrimp
Adult Male and Female Red Dragon Peacock
Adult Male and Female German Red Peacock
Adult Male and Female Blue OB Peacock
Adult Male and Female Sunshine Empress Peacock
Adult Male and Female Gold OB Peacock
Adult Male and Female A. Chiloelo
Adult Male and Female P. Fenestratus
Sub-Adult A. Chiloelo
Sub-Adult P. Fenestratus
Large Assorted Mbunas
Baby Tears
Purple Cabomba
Broad Leaf Ludwigia
Needle Leaf Ludwigia
Myriophyllum Tuberculatum "Red"
Lrg. and Md. Amazon Sword
Narrow Leaf Chain Sword
Red Flame Sword
Red Rubin Sword
Ruffle Sword
Red Cryptocoryne Wendtii
Nana Val
Christmas Moss
Java Moss
Morimo Moss Balls
Pretty excited about this shipment. Hope to see you soon!
Fish and Inverts:
Blue Paradise Gourami
Pygmy Pumilus Sparkling Gourami
Assorted Fancy Dwarf Gourami Male
Black Orchid Crowntail Betta
Furcata Rainbow
Signifer Rainbow
Dwarf Maccullochi Rainbow
Boesemani Rainbow
Denisonii Barb / Roseline Shark
Dwarf Emerald Rasbora
Black Neon Tetra
Batik Botia
Berdmore's Loach
Clown Loach
Assorted Fancy Angel
Koi Angel
Gold Nugget Pleco L177 Iriri
Ancistrus Pleco
Fire Eel
Peacock Eel
Senegalus Polypterus
Red Rili Shrimp
Blue Rili Shrimp
Adult Male and Female Red Dragon Peacock
Adult Male and Female German Red Peacock
Adult Male and Female Blue OB Peacock
Adult Male and Female Sunshine Empress Peacock
Adult Male and Female Gold OB Peacock
Adult Male and Female A. Chiloelo
Adult Male and Female P. Fenestratus
Sub-Adult A. Chiloelo
Sub-Adult P. Fenestratus
Large Assorted Mbunas
Baby Tears
Purple Cabomba
Broad Leaf Ludwigia
Needle Leaf Ludwigia
Myriophyllum Tuberculatum "Red"
Lrg. and Md. Amazon Sword
Narrow Leaf Chain Sword
Red Flame Sword
Red Rubin Sword
Ruffle Sword
Red Cryptocoryne Wendtii
Nana Val
Christmas Moss
Java Moss
Morimo Moss Balls
Pretty excited about this shipment. Hope to see you soon!