L128 Blue Phantom Pleco
L024 Redfin Cactus Pleco
Sterbai Corydoras
Super Eques Corydoras
Ceylon Combtail Gourami
Horseface Loach
Burmese Red Loach
Bolivian Ram Cichlid
Red Gold Pearlscale Angel
Koi Angel
Black Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Gold Tetra
Red Eye Tetra
HY51 Candy Cane Tetra
Neon Tetra
American Flag Killi
Gold Wrestling Halfbeak Livebearer
Blue Variegated Delta Guppy
Green Cobra Delta Guppy
Blue Delta Guppy
Endler's Livebearer
Red Rili Shrimp
Cherry Red Shrimp
S Grade Crystal Red Shrimp
We are also getting a huge plant shipment at the end of the week. Hope to see you soon!
Also, before you ask, we will be receiving our next shipment of discus at the end of this month.
L128 Blue Phantom Pleco
L024 Redfin Cactus Pleco
Sterbai Corydoras
Super Eques Corydoras
Ceylon Combtail Gourami
Horseface Loach
Burmese Red Loach
Bolivian Ram Cichlid
Red Gold Pearlscale Angel
Koi Angel
Black Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Gold Tetra
Red Eye Tetra
HY51 Candy Cane Tetra
Neon Tetra
American Flag Killi
Gold Wrestling Halfbeak Livebearer
Blue Variegated Delta Guppy
Green Cobra Delta Guppy
Blue Delta Guppy
Endler's Livebearer
Red Rili Shrimp
Cherry Red Shrimp
S Grade Crystal Red Shrimp
We are also getting a huge plant shipment at the end of the week. Hope to see you soon!
Also, before you ask, we will be receiving our next shipment of discus at the end of this month.