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Retailers Responsibility?

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  • Retailers Responsibility?

    Ok, I'm not saying that I am an expert, but I'm not a novice. I have successfully maintained 14 freshwater tanks for over 3 years now. Yesterday in one of our LFS's on 1960 I witnessed something that sent me right over the edge!

    I witnessed a woman looking to buy more fish for her current tank. Now normally I wait until someone asks a question before I "butt in"and share my experience. I understand that retailers want to sell fish, BUT shouldn't there be some responsibility and respect for the fish?

    This uninformed buyer was looking at the arowanas. She asked if he would go well in her tank with her glo lites!!! I informed her that the arowana would get very very large and would eat her glo lites eventually. The clerk offered NO advice. She asked if it was an agressive fish and the clerk told her NO!!!! They sold her a 6" Bala Shark also. The arowana was about 5" - not a small one. I know I was standing there with my mouth gaping open!!!!

    Out of curiousity I asked her how big her tank was and she said....30 gallon. Not a 30 gal rectangle but a 30 gal hex. ("All I have are visions of that poor arowana going back and forth across the top of that tiny tank)

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think she should have been told the truth about what she was buying and asked about the combinations she was putting in such a small tank.

    It incensed me so bad that I refuse to go back there. I understand that people are going to buy what they want; but why should such nice species have to be sacrificed because of ignorance on both the buyer and the sellers parts?

    Thanks for the vent!!! My other half is sooo tired of listening to me rant!:icon_hang:
    1 - 29 gal - Breeding Pair Green Terror w/fry
    1 - 29 Gal -Two white saum green terror
    1 - 75 gal - Pleco & Green Terror
    1 - 75 gal - 25+ Green terror, Botia
    1 - 100 gal - Community Tetras & Barbs & clown loaches & LG pleco
    1-120 gal - Frontosas, & Blood Parrot & Green Terror, 2 LG plecos

  • #2
    If it gets put in that small of a tank, it will definately develop gill curl and that will be bad. Very hard to cure.


    • #3
      I think this problem is two sided.

      A responsible buyer should at least have an idea what they are buying and its one's own responsbilty to further educate one's self about any purchase.

      Too many things are sold that aren't right for some people but its up to that person to know.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #4
        I agree with EK, but I would gone the extra step to have asked the owner or manager if they are aware that their employee is not "helping" the customers or the fish. I understand the retail environment, and owners/managers want to hear the good & the bad about their place of business. I would rather tell someone not to buy a product that isn't right than to just make a sale...most customers would understand that, I hope...
        215g Malawi Peacocks and Mbuna
        180g Tropheus Ikola and Bemba and Clown Loaches
        58g Bristlenose breeding and grow out


        • #5
          +2...i will withhold comment because I think I know the store you are talking about.


          • #6
            Is it the rule on the box that LFS names can't be revealed? I personally would like to know which store, so I never make the mistake of giving them my business.

            Perhaps if all the LFS knew that a large group of conscientious fish keepers were collectively boycotting stores like this, that they would be more inclined to educate their employees so that a situation like the one above never happens in the first place.
            Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


            • #7
              i concur with that statement
              Never fear I is here
              David Abeles
              Vice President
              Greater Houston Aquarium Club


              • #8
                All kinds of injustice happen before our eyes everyday, there are some we can do something about, others, will just have to play themselves out ....

                In the end, we do what we can if we have a choice and choose to get involved.

                We all know our world is imperfect, and we as individuals are not going to change that fact, so we must do what we can, when we can and accept the rest as "just the way it is".

                Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                • #9
                  I think that if people are going to run a LFS, they should be honest and know what the fish needs. I wouldn't have let the owner say that it is not an agressive fish.
                  Fish are people too, they just have gills.


                  • #10
                    This kind of stuff burns me up too. Sounds like this person was going to buy. So they would still get the sale. Why did'nt they just sell her something practical for her tank?

                    Trophs & Petros ONLY


                    • #11
                      I so totally agree! She was there to buy - you are correct - they were still going to make a sale. So why not "ask" a few questions and sell her something she will be happy with and gain a "repeat" customer instead of just making sale? I agree the buyer should have an idea of what they are buying but at the same time I can remember when I didnt know much either! LOL! I was lucky enough to frequent LFS's with knowledgable sales people who cared about both sides of the fence, making a sale and also knowing what kind of environment their inventory was going into and educating the "novice" at the same time.

                      In this LFS's defence, the faces we were normally used to seeing, especially in the fish area, we not anywhere to be found on this day. Possibly new owners?
                      1 - 29 gal - Breeding Pair Green Terror w/fry
                      1 - 29 Gal -Two white saum green terror
                      1 - 75 gal - Pleco & Green Terror
                      1 - 75 gal - 25+ Green terror, Botia
                      1 - 100 gal - Community Tetras & Barbs & clown loaches & LG pleco
                      1-120 gal - Frontosas, & Blood Parrot & Green Terror, 2 LG plecos

