Originally posted by koi
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Xtreme fish and pets
Originally posted by geoff_tropheus View PostThe pondraised Trophs were like $18-25 each.
The wilds were all in the range of $40-50 each.
I did not ask about any Petro pricing.
I bought a 7" male Moshi Katonga from him for 90.00, I couldnt help myself, the smaller ones was selling for 65 and thought that wasnt worth the price. His "WC" trophs are to high.
Last edited by HONdata; 10-25-2010, 12:38 PM.500g ????
220g F1 Blue Giant Petrochromis
180g WC Cyphotilapia Frontosa Moba.
30g Fry tank
Me and my dad where on our way to city pets and saw Xtreme so we dropped in, they had a good selection of fish and products!10g Community Planted Aquarium
10g-CRS Planted Aquarium
55g Saltwater Aquarium-
20gH-Angelfish Planted Aquarium
20gL-Leopard Gecko
A 13 Year Old Teen Who Loves his animals!!
YOUTUBE: Michael15551
hey Vertigo fw florida rays arent illeagal here i have one for sale if you want him he is 7" great color absolutely amazing personality eats live frozen sinking flakes almost any type of food i have put in there he will eat. extremely healthy
email me: austin_r_thomas@swbell.net