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Xtreme fish and pets

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  • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

    Originally posted by jeebus";p="
    Are you insinuating that pond-raised fish are typically unhealthy?
    Not at all. I have seen pond raised fish looking better than WCs. Just depends on the conditioning and the gene pool.

    Read what I have written in some of the treads under the tropheus/petro sub-forum. I don't think there is anything wrong with pond raise fish.

    But price should reflect so and their should be some quality control.
    I ate my fish that died.


    • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

      Originally posted by jeebus";p="
      Originally posted by myjohnson";p="
      Yeah, something has to be wrong with those ilangis.

      And I agree with you regarding Truong. It's not like he cause them to be that way. But if something is pond raised you shouldn't call it WC. Maybe he got lied to....who knows.
      Are you insinuating that pond-raised fish are typically unhealthy?

      I don't think that's the case.... It does allow fish to live it's life with deformities that in the wild most likely would not. The spinal deformity effects their swimming and if you think about it predation would have culled them out long time ago.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

        So these Illangi, in your opinion, are likely to be unhealthily pond-raised?
        Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


        • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

          They speak for themselves....

          whatever they are they are of poor stock.
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

            Originally posted by jeebus";p="
            So these Illangi, in your opinion, are likely to be unhealthily pond-raised?
            We will really never know if they are truly WC or PR....but the fish speak for themselves.
            I ate my fish that died.


            • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

              I'm holding my judgement on them. I saw the few that you both saw that were "deformed" and although they might not have had perfect shape, I just can't agree to that conclusion. I would be able to agree that they are not "show" trophs though.

              I think there are some good fish in that batch, and like any order, you'll get the good with the bad. I am curious to see if they will color-up much beyond what they have. I have little doubt they are Illangi, but after reading the same threads as you guys at I wonder if these are the "orange" Illangi Ad supposedly talked about at the GSLAS meeting this month.
              Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


              • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                That is a whole nother thread  

                I have seen some of Ad's older presentations and Ilangi does not exist according to him.... the new stuff is a whole variant according to him.

                I agree there were some nice ones in the batch but for the price they all should have been nice.
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                  Only because we're talking about Xtreme's Illangi, and if they are indeed Illangi, I'll ask this: If Ad has said in the past that Illangi no longer exist, then where are the fish that look like Illangi and are marked as Illangi coming from? Especially when marked wild caught??

                  And yes, for the price, I too agree that they should all (or at least most) be show quality, healthy as a horse, pineapple belly Illangi. I guess only time will tell whether he will lower the price on them.
                  Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                  • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                    My understanding is that Ad did said in the pass illangis does not exist anymore. However, he spends most of his time at malawi now.

                    There are reports from drivers that they have seen said ilangis in the wild.

                    However, there is another issue of whether there are more than one varient of illangi. To my understanding there is two collection points. But there is no difference in color morphs that would allow us to give them another name.

                    Again, all this is from the limited information I know....where is geoff when you need him?
                    I ate my fish that died.


                    • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                      There is one collection point... nkamba bay.

                      Chilanga is close by which is another collection point and deemed a whole different variant.

                      Ad says they don't exist, now he says there is a variation of Ilangi being collected, another diver I have had the pleasure of speaking with says ilangi does exist but no where near the same numbers as before.

                      Pineapple belly? Yellow flanks is what I know of for ilangi...pineapple bellies is for RR's and Moops.

                      MJ, where are you reading two collection points? I know of only Nkamba bay which is the only documented point of collection.
                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                        As for names.... anything will hold the same name like Red rainbows but collection points further describes them.

                        Again... there is only Ilangi from Nkamba bay.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                          Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
                          Pineapple belly? Yellow flanks is what I know of for ilangi...
                          Yeah, yeah.. That's what I meant.
                          Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                          • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                            Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
                            MJ, where are you reading two collection points? I know of only Nkamba bay which is the only documented point of collection.
                            "Aqualog book says there are two collection sites but does not say exactly where they are or how they are different (but says Ilangi are from the East of Nkamba bay) and does not label its photo's up as which site each photoed fish was collected at. My copy is the 2000 version (I do not think it has been updated since then but I might be wrong) so not as up to date a reference as I would like." by 24Tropheus.

                            "As i recall Ad had a writen something about the extinction of the Ilangi from only a certain location, that being the very yellow Ilangi that he had pics of. However Ad recognoises that there are other Ilangi populations just a bit further down the coast from where he photographed the really yellow one." by TanganikaMan.

                            "During the Ad Konings tropheus presentation on Dec 12th for the GSLAS (Great Salt Lake Aquarium Society) he did NOT say that ilangi were extinct!!! He just said they are changing! They are finding more orange than yellow now is what was said!" by flashg.

                            Take it for what it's worth. It's from people on the internet. These statements are some that I have came across.
                            I ate my fish that died.


                            • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                              So you are basing your post here from hearsay?

                              I have the aqualog and I have seen some of Ad's past presentation.... The aqualog labels Ilangi as Nkamba bay... litlle down the coast is Chilanga which is it's own variant and has it's own features, similar to Ilangi but from my experience distinguishable.
                              700g Mini-Monster tank


                              • Re: Xtreme fish and pets

                                yeah, basically just passing on information.

                                I'm no the diver in the lake so I can't say anything is for sure.
                                I ate my fish that died.

