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Fish Ranch 2 Review

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  • Fish Ranch 2 Review

    I went into fish ranch the other day and decided to grab 4 german blue rams with my son. I was distracted by everything that my son wanted me to look at and didn't pay top close attention to the livestock-my mistake! I called Tran and told him that I noticed sores on my GBRs the same day. I took back one which died the same day in the qt tank and the other who was noticeably sick. He personally picked out 2 electric blue rams and charged me the difference. When I got home I placed the 2 electric blue rams in the same qt tank as the first 2 GBRs and noticed that they weren't fairing to well either. I kept Tran informed about the situation and then I noticed that the electric blue rams were not doing too well either. I check the water parameters in the qt tank and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I mixed dechlorinated water with half RO. The next day all 4 rams died. I notified Tran and he explained to me that he doesn't have a guarantee on his fish which I understand. However, I believe these fish weren't too healthy from the start. I believe we should have been able to reach a gentlemans agreement on some kind of discount or compensation for poor livestock but we didn't. I spent 60+ dollars for 4 GBR+ electric blues that croaked within 2 days. Lesson learned...customer lost.! Too bad because I really liked the grouper

    Chef~PIER 61 SEAFOOD

    150G~discus and altums

  • #2
    there are to many thing that can go wrong after the livestock leave the store, that why their is no refund on live stock at most LFS. he went out of his way to credit you with the lost fish. he can't just continue to give you credit for fish that die. how did you acclimate the fish?
    20 gal CRS
    137 gal Lake Tanganyika


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chef View Post
      I went into fish ranch the other day and decided to grab 4 german blue rams with my son. I was distracted by everything that my son wanted me to look at and didn't pay top close attention to the livestock-my mistake! I called Tran and told him that I noticed sores on my GBRs the same day. I took back one which died the same day in the qt tank and the other who was noticeably sick. He personally picked out 2 electric blue rams and charged me the difference. When I got home I placed the 2 electric blue rams in the same qt tank as the first 2 GBRs and noticed that they weren't fairing to well either. I kept Tran informed about the situation and then I noticed that the electric blue rams were not doing too well either. I check the water parameters in the qt tank and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I mixed dechlorinated water with half RO. The next day all 4 rams died. I notified Tran and he explained to me that he doesn't have a guarantee on his fish which I understand. However, I believe these fish weren't too healthy from the start. I believe we should have been able to reach a gentlemans agreement on some kind of discount or compensation for poor livestock but we didn't. I spent 60+ dollars for 4 GBR+ electric blues that croaked within 2 days. Lesson learned...customer lost.! Too bad because I really liked the grouper


      If you felt that the fish were not healthy from the start...........WHY DID YOU BUY THEM ? Also , if you thought the fish were unhealthy from the start.......WHY DID YOU GET MORE FISH AND PAY THE DIFFERENCE ? I agree with Cjvo2.........I feel that Tran went out of his way to make things right with you . He personally picked out fish for you....and you accepted the second group of fish . What else would you like for Tran to do ? Give you your money back and take the lost on the fish ? Come on now...let's be realistic .


      • #4
        I have seen some fish stores, write NFS , and treat a tank with potentialy ill looking fish. Im with Chef on this one.
        I am also a X customer.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ohmar606 View Post
          I have seen some fish stores, write NFS , and treat a tank with potentialy ill looking fish. Im with Chef on this one.
          I am also a X customer.
          Apparently , the fish looked fine while Chef was in the store because he bought some twice . This just doesn't add up for me .


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chef View Post
            I went into fish ranch the other day and decided to grab 4 german blue rams with my son. I was distracted by everything that my son wanted me to look at and didn't pay top close attention to the livestock-my mistake! I called Tran and told him that I noticed sores on my GBRs the same day. I took back one which died the same day in the qt tank and the other who was noticeably sick. He personally picked out 2 electric blue rams and charged me the difference. When I got home I placed the 2 electric blue rams in the same qt tank as the first 2 GBRs and noticed that they weren't fairing to well either. I kept Tran informed about the situation and then I noticed that the electric blue rams were not doing too well either. I check the water parameters in the qt tank and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I mixed dechlorinated water with half RO. The next day all 4 rams died. I notified Tran and he explained to me that he doesn't have a guarantee on his fish which I understand. However, I believe these fish weren't too healthy from the start. I believe we should have been able to reach a gentlemans agreement on some kind of discount or compensation for poor livestock but we didn't. I spent 60+ dollars for 4 GBR+ electric blues that croaked within 2 days. Lesson learned...customer lost.! Too bad because I really liked the grouper


            Something does not sound right here? Unusual for a fish to die this quickly, evn if it was getting sick? Did you get Tran to feed the fish prior to purchase? If the fish was as sick as claimed, chances are the fish wont eat. Always have LFS feed any fish prior to purchase and observe their behavior and look closely at them for any signs of disease. If it does not eat or look unhealthy, never buy the fish thinking one can nurse it back to health!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by supadave View Post
              Apparently , the fish looked fine while Chef was in the store because he bought some twice . This just doesn't add up for me .
              I agree if a fish doesn't look healthy DON'T BUY THEM. And my son was distracting me is no excuse. Tran did go out of his way to help you. Sounds like something is wrong with your tank. What did you have in your qt tank prior to adding these new fish?
              Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


              • #8
                WOW !!! Why would you buy fish that don't look healthy? This makes no sense what so ever. I have purchase several fish from Fish Ranch and have NEVER EVER had any sick fish and their is NO EXCUSE FOR MY SON DISTRACTED ME. Dude when ever you buy any fish from any where their isn't any guarantee on them, sounds like Tran went above and beyond for you. Maybe you need to check your water conditions. I'am sure he informed you of how sensitive some fish are and what the water conditions should be.


                • #9
                  I have never purchased anything but quality from fish ranch. Not one time have I ever lost a fish or even encountered ich and I've bought quite a few. I too agree your son being a distraction is a horrible excuse.
                  20g mixed reef


                  • #10
                    Not only did tran go above and beyond for you even though there is no guarantee, but you picked out the first fish yourself I know because you told me which ones to net. The reason there is no guarantee is because too many things can happen once a fish leaves the store


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ohmar606 View Post
                      I have seen some fish stores, write NFS , and treat a tank with potentialy ill looking fish. Im with Chef on this one.
                      I am also a X customer.
                      We do that at fish ranch as soon as its noticed


                      • #12
                        Okay that is not a good Excuse Vinh just an unexperience fish keeper. First of all you hand pick each ram out. When you pm me out the ram a few days later about the ram that was sick. I told you to bring it back so I can credit you or replace it with another fish. So you wanted two powder blue ram. Which I gave you an even trade for the "two sick ram" you purchased on that day for 20% off on July 3-4 holiday sale (four german blue ram for $32). Also the powder blue ram price was $21.99 which I call a even trade for the two ram ($16). Then I only charge you only $20 for the second powder blue. So if the ram were sick why did you pick out more ram" what you was distracted by your son again?" And you only pay $32 for the first 4 rams and $20 for the second powder blue which total $52 not $60 plus. I also pm back and told you I will work with you but there is so much a business owner can do for you. If you purchase a fish from another store and " have the same problem" let see what they tell you? I am sure they will tell you the same. Then you want me to give you a deep discount on your next purchase? I gave you a discount the first and second time on your purchase there is so much I can do" I cannot just give it to you for FREE." I try to be fair with all my customer and work with them on any issue.You cannot buy a fish and return it back in a few days and buy another fish and return in back in a few day again. There is so much I can do for you. Sorry maybe you are better off ordering online because most of LFS would do the same .


                        • #13
                          I didn't see the fish in question, so I can't comment. With that being said, Fish Ranch II is probably my favorite LFS store, and I do enjoy working with Tran. I think he's very reasonable and fair, and I also have never lost a fish I got from him. To my knowledge everything I have gotten from there in the past two years is still thriving. (Except for a few that got eaten by larger tankmates, but that's obviously not his fault. )

                          I would also add that I am extremely anal in terms of observing the fish and picking out the exact ones I want. It's a prerequisite for any purchase, IMO.

                          Originally posted by nightster View Post
                          I have never purchased anything but quality from fish ranch. Not one time have I ever lost a fish or even encountered ich and I've bought quite a few. I too agree your son being a distraction is a horrible excuse.
                          210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
                          135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
                          125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
                          90G star sapphire
                          75G buccochromis rhoadesii
                          55G ?
                          30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry


                          • #14
                            I'm assuming you bought healthy fish from Fish Ranch 2 because an experieced hobbiest like you wouldn't have bought sick fish. Then you brought them and put them in a quarantine tank and then one fish croaked. You went back to the store and bought more healthy fish, I'm assuming because an experienced hobbiest like you wouldn't make the same mistake twice and buy sick fish on the same day. You then brought them and put them in the same quarantine tank and all the fish croaked on the next day. What I understand is you said you bought sick fish twice on the same day and they all died on the next day. If the GBR and EBR were all sick then all the GBR and EBR at Fish Ranch 2 should have died the next day. Hey Tran did all your GBR and EBR die the next day.
                            300 Gallon Moshi, Clown loaches.
                            180 Gallon Red Bulu, Clown Loaches.
                            120 Gallon Ikola, Clown Loaches.
                            92 Gallon Duboisi, Clown Loaches.
                            40 Gallion fry.
                            10 Gallon fry.
                            33 Gallon Shrimp.
                            4000 Gallon Koi.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by supadave View Post
                              Apparently , the fish looked fine while Chef was in the store because he bought some twice . This just doesn't add up for me .
                              Dave you're right about the fact I should have picked the fish. But the second time Tran himself picked the fish. If I can't trust the reputation of a reputable dealer then we shouldn't even have this discussion.
                              Chef~PIER 61 SEAFOOD

                              150G~discus and altums

