If you have not had a chance to see this store you should. Some really nice and knowledgeable people in there with some really good pricing on fish.
The people in there are helpful, and the freshwater guy is Don, and his wife is Dawn. Don and Don so to speak, really cool people.
The store is located on 10150 Almeda Genoa, couple blocks off I-45
One of my things I like to do is Hit Tropical Fish Depot, then heading south on I-45 exit Fuqua and Hit Megan's Tropical Emporium. Then staying on Fuqua and heading East, turn right onto Highway 3. Staying on Highway 3 cruise south until your about to hit El Dorado, and that is Aqua Zoo on your right hand side.
That makes my Saturday ever so often.
The people in there are helpful, and the freshwater guy is Don, and his wife is Dawn. Don and Don so to speak, really cool people.
The store is located on 10150 Almeda Genoa, couple blocks off I-45
One of my things I like to do is Hit Tropical Fish Depot, then heading south on I-45 exit Fuqua and Hit Megan's Tropical Emporium. Then staying on Fuqua and heading East, turn right onto Highway 3. Staying on Highway 3 cruise south until your about to hit El Dorado, and that is Aqua Zoo on your right hand side.
That makes my Saturday ever so often.