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Least favorite deceased LFS

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  • #16
    Re: Least favorite deceased LFS

    Originally posted by marauder_77868";p="
    There was a store on 1960 for a while....going toward 45. Went in there one time and actually had the guy yell at me for coming in. Wish I could remember the name.
    WTH??? 8O


    • #17
      Re: Least favorite deceased LFS

      I would also be remiss if I didn't mention A&R Tropical in Pasadena. I'm not sure whether to list this in favorites or least favorites because the memories of it are such a source of amusement for me. It was run by a guy named Andre. The thing about Andre is that he was, quite literally, a compulsive liar. At the time I had just started driving and I was exploring all the stores I could find. I was, as they say, young and impressionable. Andre told everyone he was a professor at Texas A&M Galveston, was working on projects for NASA for the space shuttle, that he was working on projects to raise fish to feed the starving in Africa, etc, etc, etc.... Even at that tender age I knew a BS artist when I heard one, and he was definitely an artist. Of course, none of his stories were true. Later on I heard he was selling used cars or something and I would be curious if anyone else has stories about him from 20 years ago.
      Charles Jones

      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.

