We have a new HFB Sponsor! www.petmountain.com
If you order from PetMountain.com, and use this coupon code specially assigned to HoustonFishBox, you get 10% off your order and they donate 5% of the total back to us!!
I'm waiting for them to email me their banner to put on the site, and in the meantime, I have attached the flyer that shows our coupon code.
Donation Coupon Code: 1099
This has changed. There is no longer a discount specifically for HFB, but PetMountain has always got coupon codes on their site for various discounts that are equal or greater than this coupon code. HOWEVER, in order for HFB to get credit for your purchase, you must link to PetMountain.com from the banner at the bottom of the forum.
I'm waiting for them to email me their banner to put on the site, and in the meantime, I have attached the flyer that shows our coupon code.
This has changed. There is no longer a discount specifically for HFB, but PetMountain has always got coupon codes on their site for various discounts that are equal or greater than this coupon code. HOWEVER, in order for HFB to get credit for your purchase, you must link to PetMountain.com from the banner at the bottom of the forum.
