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Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

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  • #16
    Re: Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

    thats freekin crazy, im not gonna tell you what i paid a piece but thats just rediculis, especially because they cant tell you if they male or female, and what is the variant, mine are Blue neons, anyway what is he plannin on sellin the fry from the breeders for? you know they usualyl do better in groups.
    Never fear I is here
    David Abeles
    Vice President
    Greater Houston Aquarium Club


    • #17
      Re: Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

      Oh yeah, I had planned on getting a decent group for my 75 but at that price it was just too much.  I didn't even ask when I saw what the others were going for.  They have some really nice fish but the prices are just a bit more than I want to spend all at one time if ya know what I mean.

      The breeding group that he has look like Blue on top, yellow on bottom I think.  Where did you get yours from if you don't mind me asking....local???


      • #18
        Re: Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

        yeah local, if you remmember about 8 months ago fish ranch had like 3 blue neons at 25 a piece, i found 8 at Extreme fish and pet for much less each, i have lost a few but i had 4 females hold and produce so now i have about a dozen fry between 1inch and about half and inch. the male has purple/blue top of his head and bright yellow tail. cant wait to get them all into the 75
        Never fear I is here
        David Abeles
        Vice President
        Greater Houston Aquarium Club


        • #19
          Re: Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

          they are going in with shellies and maybe my non breeding brichardi, or maybe Daffodils im gettin from Raul when they get big enough. they will look great next to the gold occies.
          Never fear I is here
          David Abeles
          Vice President
          Greater Houston Aquarium Club


          • #20
            Re: Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

            Does this place still exist?  I can't seem to find a working number for them - or find the store... Some help?


            • #21
              Re: Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

              I believe he shut it down for awhile?  



              • #22
                Re: Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

                I think he closed his doors back in May if memory serves.


                • #23
                  Re: Store Update, Mikes Tropical Fish & Pets

                  Mike closed the door of his place of business on May 1.  Since then he has packed up the place and moved it back home.
                  He does not run a store anymore and at this point not easy to get a hold of.  Going to his store was something I used to do weekly, to de-stress and just have a good time talking to Mike.. now that he is gone, I find myself home a lot more :(

                  What fish do Jesper have
                  180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                  Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                  58 S. Decorus

                  "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher

