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Fish Available for End of Month Import...

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  • Fish Available for End of Month Import...

    Happy New Year. Here's are some of the fish that will be (maybe) available by the end of the month(January) for import. Please let me know if you need anything. All orders must be prepaid by January 15th. I will have more information in about a week.

    from Congo north:
    Tropheus Bemba
    Tropheus Caramba
    Tropheus Kiriza
    Tropheus Muzimu
    Tropheus Yungu
    Cyprichromis microlepidotus Kasai
    Petrochromis red Texas Ubwari
    Julidochromis ornatus yellow

    from Congo Kavala:
    Tropheus Canary Cheek
    Enantiopus melanogenys Kilesa
    Tanganicodus irsacae Kibishi
    Cyprichromis microlepidotus Kavala black

    from Congo south:
    Altolamprologus calvus black
    Cyprichromis speckleback Moba
    Tropheus Kapampa
    Tropheus Moliro
    Tropheus Livua
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Kitumba
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Moba
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Chumbu
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Kapampa
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Moliro
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Tembwe
    Petrochromis trewavasae
    Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Zongwe
    Cyprichromis leptosoma Kitumba --> MAYBE

    from Zambia:
    Tropheus Ilangi
    Tropheus Mpulungu Kasakalawe
    Tropheus Chaitika
    Tropheus Lufubu
    Tropheus Kalambo
    Gnathochromis permaxillaris --> MAYBE/LIMITED QUANTITY
    Neolamprologus mustax orange
    Neolamprologus prochilus
    Neolamprologus attenuatus
    Eretmodus cyanostictus
    Paracyprichromis nigripinnis Blue Neon
    Synodontis crocodile island
    Mastacembelus spec. Mpulungu

    from Tanzania:
    Tropheus Red Rainbow
    Tropheus Mpimbwee red cheek
    Tropheus Ikola
    Tropheus Bulu Point
    Tropheus Bulumbora
    Tropheus Malagarasi
    Tropheus duboisi Maswa --> maybe
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Kipili
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Ikola
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Kasanga
    Cyphotilapia frontosa Mpimbwe II
    Petrochromis yellow Moshi Mabilibili
    Petrochromis Kipili brown
    Petrochromis blue giant

    List subject to change. Prices will follow shortly.


  • #2
    Awesome list!!
    Live a good life and in the end,
    it's not the years in a life,
    it's the life in the years.


    • #3
      1+ awesome list - good start of the year


      • #4
        What is a Mpimbwe II? Or how does it differ from a Mpimbwe?


        • #5
          Originally posted by ndcatfish View Post
          What is a Mpimbwe II? Or how does it differ from a Mpimbwe?
          Great question. Let me ask the exporter. My understanding was that the fish will be collected at mpimbwe


          • #6
            Any Prices yet?

            Tapatalk sent from Samsung Galaxy S4


            • #7
              Originally posted by elcompadre View Post
              Any Prices yet?

              Tapatalk sent from Samsung Galaxy S4


              • #8
                In for prices as well .

                Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Sorry for the late reply. I got tentative list of fish that are available for import. Hopefully fish will arrive next week.
                    Please let me know if you want to add to the upcoming order.
                    Species Name Price/Each
                    Altolamprologus calvus black Congo $38
                    Altolamprologus calvus black Congo $38
                    Altolamprologus compressiceps goldhead $37
                    Altolamprologus compressiceps yellow Chaitika $37
                    Altolamprologus compressiceps Kipili black $37
                    Altolampr. compressiceps red fin, crocodile isl. $37
                    Benthochromis tricoti Msalaba $107
                    Callochromis pleurospilus Bulombora $34
                    Callochromis spec. Kekese $38
                    Cyathopharynx foai Halembe $117
                    Cyathopharynx foai Kipili $117
                    Cyathopharynx foai Sibwesa $117
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Moba M (5-7") $137
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Moba L 7"+ $187
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Kitumba M $137
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa blue Zaire Kitumba M/L $157
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Kitumba L $184
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Kitumba XL $244
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Mikula sm/m $124
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Mikula M $137
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa blue Zaire Mikula M/L $157
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Chumbu M $137
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Chumbu M/L $150
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Lupota SM/M $122
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire Lupota M $139
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa blue Zaire Lupota M/L $157
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Kasanga Muzi $93
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa 7-stripes Kigoma $91
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Ikola blue $94
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Kipili blue $94
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Mpimbwe M $97
                    Cyphotilapia frontosa Mpimbwe L $119
                    Cyprichr. microlepidotus Kasai $61
                    Cyprichromis pavo Msalaba $46
                    Cyprichromis leptosoma Kipili blue $35
                    Cyprichromis leptosoma Kitumba $61
                    Ctenochromis horei Kigoma $34
                    Enantiopus melanogenys Kasanga $47
                    Enantiopus melanogenys Kipili $47
                    Enantiopus melanogenys Kilesa $73
                    Eretmodus cyanostictus orange Kigoma $21
                    Eretmodus cyanostictus Kasanga $21
                    Eretmodus cyanostictus Kipili $21
                    Eretmodus cyanostictus Mpimbwe orange $24
                    Eretmodus cyanostictus Mpulungu Zambia $22
                    Eretmodus cyanostictus Mabilibili $23
                    Gnathochromis permaxillaris $89
                    Greenwoodochromis christyi $89
                    Julidochromis marlieri Kasanga $29
                    Julidochromis spec. Kasanga $28
                    Julidochromis spec. Isanga $29
                    Lepidiolamprologus Nkambae $72
                    Lobochilotes labiatus $53
                    Neolamprologus attenuatus Zambia $56
                    Neolamprologus spec. pulcher Kavala $34
                    Neolamprologus brevis Kavala $14
                    Neolamprologus spec. hecqui $16
                    Neolamprologus brichardi Kavala $25
                    Neolamprologus daffodil $26
                    Neolamprologus leleupi Kitumba $62
                    Neolamprologus modestus Kavala $38
                    Neolamprologus mustax orange Zambia $38
                    Neolamprologus pectoralis, rare $276
                    Neolamprologus prochilus Zambia $50
                    Neolamprologus sexfasciatus gold Kipili $37
                    Neolamprologus tretocephalus $35
                    Ophthalm. boops Nkondwe $55
                    Ophthalm. nasuta gold Kipili $51
                    Ophthalm. ventralis Kitumba $55
                    Ophthalm. ventralis Longola $59
                    Ophthalm. ventralis orange cap $48
                    Paracyprichromis nigripinnis Blue Neon $33
                    Petrochromis spec. Kipili brown $95
                    Petrochromis yellow Moshi Mabilibili $95
                    Petrochromis famula blue Kasanga $54
                    Petrochromis famula orange fin Kigoma $56
                    Petrochromis famula Kaiser Kapampa $61
                    Petrochromis sp. flametail Kasanga $150
                    Petrochr. macrognathus green yellow Nsumbu $104
                    Petrochromis polyodon red Texas Ubwari $91
                    Petrochromis red Texas Longola $95
                    Petrochromis trewavasae $57
                    Simochromis babaulti Kekese $38
                    Simochromis curvifrons $34
                    Synodontis multipunctatus Kasanga $24
                    Synodontis spec. crocodile island $36
                    Tanganicodus irsacae Kibishi, very nice $30
                    Tanganicodus irsacae Kigoma red $24
                    Tropheus Bemba $36
                    Tropheus Canary Cheek $36
                    Tropheus Caramba $36
                    Tropheus Chaitika $27
                    Tropheus Golden Kazumba $27
                    Tropheus Ikola $27
                    Tropheus Ilangi yellow, real $63
                    Tropheus Kalambo $27
                    Tropheus Kiriza $36
                    Tropheus Lueba I, rare $60
                    Tropheus Lufubu $28
                    Tropheus Moliro $30
                    Tropheus Mpimbwe red cheek Katondo $33
                    Tropheus Mpulungu Kasakalawe $27
                    Tropheus Muzimu $45
                    Tropheus Namansi $31
                    Tropheus polli $31
                    Tropheus Red Rainbow $33
                    Tropheus Kongwe green, Congo, NEW $75
                    Tropheus Yungu green, Congo $36
                    Xenotilapia flavipinnis red royal Kekese $41
                    Aulonocara blue neon $33
                    Aulonocara Ushisya $34
                    Buccochromis holotaenia $69
                    Copadichr. Mloto Lupingu white top $37
                    Copadichromis trewavasae Msisi $40
                    Cynotilapia afra Luhuchi $21
                    Cynotilapia afra Undu $19
                    Cynotilapia afra Nkhata Bay $21
                    Labeotropheus fuelleborni Makonde $28
                    Labeotropheus trewavasae Higga Reef, males $41
                    Melanochr. northern blue only males $49
                    Metriaclima zebra goldbreast Makonde $21
                    Metriaclima zebra goldbreast Ikombe $21
                    Metriaclima zebra Higga Reef $21
                    Mylochromis labidon $54
                    Mylochromis Mchuse $51
                    Nimbochromis linni $64
                    Nimbochromis polystigma $52
                    Otopharynx big spot Tanz. $40
                    Placidochromis milomo $59
                    Protomelas fenestratus imperial Ikombe $40
                    Protomelas fenestratus imperial Nkanda $40
                    Pseudotropheus daktari $19
                    Stigmatochromis modestus $61
                    Stigmatochromis pholidophorus $63
                    Tyrannochromis macrostoma $62
                    Tyrannochromis nigriventer $61


                    • #11
                      Polli are tempting me...

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by swk View Post
                        Polli are tempting me...

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        You know you want them...very nice, i got some males


                        • #13
                          Is it too late to place an order?


                          • #14
                            Give Rene a call or text, I am sure he find the way to make your order happen .

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            Tropheus Moorii Golden Kazumba
                            Petrochromis Red Mahale


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by T-Royal View Post
                              Is it too late to place an order?
                              what are you looking for?

