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Any Interest in Forming a New Houston Aquarium Society?

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  • Any Interest in Forming a New Houston Aquarium Society?

    I'm wondering if there are Houston Fish lovers out there who would be interested in forming a new Houston Aquarium Society. I am talking about a club with scheduled meeting dates at a given location. A club with monthly interesting and meaningful programs for their members with substance to them. I'm not talking about some loose new "Fun Club."

    The present HAS appears to be nothing more then a business. All I see listed is an auction about every 6 months and an application to fill out to be submitted with their fee. Never a mention of officers. Never a mention of an upcoming meeting. No mention of a real meeting place. If you try and ask questions, you get no real answers. The HAS is about the most secret fish society I have ever encountered. (Tell me when they had their last meeting open to the public that was not an auction)!

    I know there is another Greater Houston group but they have no scheduled meetings, officers, common meeting place as they meet in homes and the club is there solely "to have fun". That is all well and good and I have no problem with this. They should keep it up and have a ball. They enjoy that type of group and there is nothing wrong with this view. For them, their lack of structure is just what they desire. Lots of success to them.

    However, it's not the type of club I ever belonged to nor wish to become active within. That is just me. I'm just wondering if I am alone in the BIG City of Houston, or are there others who enjoy attending and belonging to a structured Fish Society with First Class programs? If so, I'd like to hear from you. I really could care less about hearing from those enjoying a non structured club and why you like clubs like this. That is your business and I say go for it. I'm interested in hearing from those enjoying membership in an active structured Society as I do.

    If there is no interst, my idea can die. I can live with that. If there is an interest, let's see if we can develope the idea into a Real Houston Aquariam Society. I'd be interested in hearing from those wanting to start and belong to such a group. I am 75 years old, cared for fresh water fish on and off for 60 years. I've been a member of some great societies in Milwaukee, Chicago and Kansas City. These societies have had members from all walks of life and have been a joy to belong to. If there is an interest we could initially form a "start up commiittee" of interested participants and work out a possible Society structure and plans to "launch" the Society. There will be many things to decide and work out if we are to get this project "off the ground".

    Contact me if you have any POSITIVE desire to help form this society. Any dealers wanting to help the effort would be most welcome too. My name is Lee Bahr and I can be reached at: I'll talley the interest and based on the amount of feedback received, we will determine if we go forward with the concept or let it die. The way I look at it, a club will die if it has no real purpose or if it offers little to the membership. A club will grow and thrive if it offers real and positive value to it's membership. If you want to help make a difference, now is your chance.

    Thanks for reading and considering the concept,


  • #2
    my fish house:
    2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
    6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
    29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
    45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers

    2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
    125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
    and about a dozen bettas....


    • #3
      Re: Any Interest in Forming a New Houston Aquarium Society?

      You sound like a lot of the new members we get here. Childish, arrogant and snobby. No offense. It's just how you come off with your posts.

      Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


      • #4
        You should try going to a meeting before you talk about them like you know them.


        • #5
          Well then, I guess I'd like to hear from "new members" I have no problem with your concept or what you do with your time. I say go for it. It's too bad you feel others must conform to your dislikes and likes. I really don't care to hear from those not liking my concept but hearing from those with like interests. Do your thing, but please allow others to do theirs!



          • #6
            I'd also say, if my concept has merit, we can get this rolling. If I am way out in left field and am the only one wanting a great structured group in Houston, well then there will be little interest and it won't happen. If what is out there now makes all the fish lovers in Houston happy nobody is going to respond positively to my proposal. So for others reading this, I don't plan to get into some pissing contest on here. That was not my purpose in the post. If you like my idea, contact me privately. I'll get back to those wanting to get involved. For those happy with what you have now, god bless you. Have a nice day.

            So in order to keep this thread from getting hateful, I will not respond to any further to negative remarks. For those having positive interest please contact me privately.



            • #7
              no message? really? what does this look like?
              it means i'm thinking about what you have said and how to respond to it.
              mistahoo pretty much hit the nail on the head. at your age you should know that "you attract more flies with honey", basically the problem here is the way your post comes across. you sound like you're judgmental, arrogant, and, well, no fun. have you ever attended a GHAC meeting? you refer to GHAC as "they" and "them", but you've got it wrong. you should be using "you" and "your", because most members on this forum are GHAC members. and you basically just insulted us all. so next time perhaps it might be a good idea to research your audience... and "when in rome"... i feel as though i speak for most of us in saying that we keep fish, and keep this forum, because we enjoy it. it's FUN. and we help each other learn as we go. we are happy with what we have. am i right, guys? please, correct me if i'm wrong...
              my fish house:
              2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
              6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
              29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
              45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers

              2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
              125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
              and about a dozen bettas....


              • #8
                Having been a member of HAS on and off for 20+ years I am sadened by what it has become. But I know that it is the way it is because there is lack of interest in having anything more. When I first joined they had regular monthly meetings, an active Bap/Hap program. They put on yearly shows as well as auctions. They had a great newsletter, as well as other activities. But over the years the founding members have died and they seem to have gotten disorganized except for an excellent auction 3 times a year.
                I don't know much about GHAC except that their meetings tend to be in locations distant from where I live. The auction of theirs I attended was fun.

                I do wonder how long you have been in Houston. I was raised in Dearborn, MI and I know that the northern fish clubs are very different from what I've found down here. I blame it on the lack of snow. :P Down here there are so many things to do in the winter, that fish just don't seem that important. Also, finding a public meeting place is very difficult. I've been a member of several different clubs and organizations and most meet at people's homes because public places are just not available.

                What you are suggesting sounds great to me; I just don't think you will get much interest. And, unfortunatly I'm not in a position to help start up any clubs at this time.

                Good luck!
                Hi-fin pepper Cory's, Black Cory's, Long Fin Golden Aneus, Swordtails, some lyretail(RREA's, Red, Albino Koi, Red & Gold Tux), Different types of BN plecos(albino, calico, long fin, blue eyed short & long fin)
                Mystery Snails, Yellow Shrimp, CPDs

                HAS Master Aquatic Gardener awarded 1997
                HAS Master Fish Breeder awarded 1998


                • #9
                  great to hear from you Fancyfish. I agree with everything you posted. I think, also, the European influence up Norht is a big factor too. Here in Houston Texas the Asian influence is becoming a factor. I have lived in Houston for 28 years, so I've been here for awhile and know of what you speak. Most likely I'll have to have postings at fish shops to see if there is any interest. I just opened a Yahoo group for the sole purpose of finding individuals wanting to form a steering committee to form a new group. I'll also contact the houston Aquarium and see if there is any interest there or help they may provide. For what I can see right now the FISH BOX is populated with a lot of people hostile towards any new group getting off the ground. I'll keep you posted and again thanks for the posting.



                  • #10
                    A shame that judgment has been made against GHAC or any other group here on the Box because when the "worst" or the "best" strikes it's these them & theys you refer to that will drop what they are doing to make things come out on top. From hurricanes, broke down cars on the side of the road, new babies, loss of loved ones, fish emergencies to a big hug-- that's what it's all about. We share a love for our hobby & a bond for each other w/ all our crazy differences to keep things interesting.
                    This is a big town & a drive most anywhere you go. Can't make many of the activities that GHAC is involved in at times from swap day to zoo tours to helping w/ school aquariums but that doesn't stop me when I can.
                    Personally they have come to my rescue & I hope I can keep paying it forward. Sure there is always a few users but it doesn't take long to sort them out. They may need a little "help" one day & some of us them & theys will jump right in to help make it right / we will even still be there for you. That's the way it is. I look at my hobby serious, I look at my friends as family. V
                    "There will come a time when you have a chance to do the right thing."
                    "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by. "
                    -Dead Man's Chest


                    • #11
                      "I really could care less about hearing from those enjoying a non structured club"
                      "let's see if we can develope the idea into a Real Houston Aquariam Society."

                      really could care less? real aquarium society? these comments are what i found offensive. you didn't even spell aquarium correctly, but you criticize. if you ever needed help, we would be there for you. justdoit, you couldn't have been more right. this community has been there for me during my recent hard times, and i'm sure that if you would be open to having a little fun, you would be welcomed and accepted as i was. we care for each other, and if i seem a bit defensive of the group, it's because this group has been there for me in turn.

                      Last edited by allysangels; 02-23-2013, 12:51 AM.
                      my fish house:
                      2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
                      6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
                      29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
                      45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers

                      2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
                      125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
                      and about a dozen bettas....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by allysangels View Post
                        no message? really? what does this look like?
                        it means i'm thinking about what you have said and how to respond to it.
                        mistahoo pretty much hit the nail on the head. at your age you should know that "you attract more flies with honey", basically the problem here is the way your post comes across. you sound like you're judgmental, arrogant, and, well, no fun. have you ever attended a GHAC meeting? you refer to GHAC as "they" and "them", but you've got it wrong. you should be using "you" and "your", because most members on this forum are GHAC members. and you basically just insulted us all. so next time perhaps it might be a good idea to research your audience... and "when in rome"... i feel as though i speak for most of us in saying that we keep fish, and keep this forum, because we enjoy it. it's FUN. and we help each other learn as we go. we are happy with what we have. am i right, guys? please, correct me if i'm wrong...
                        Originally posted by justdoit View Post
                        A shame that judgment has been made against GHAC or any other group here on the Box because when the "worst" or the "best" strikes it's these them & theys you refer to that will drop what they are doing to make things come out on top. From hurricanes, broke down cars on the side of the road, new babies, loss of loved ones, fish emergencies to a big hug-- that's what it's all about. We share a love for our hobby & a bond for each other w/ all our crazy differences to keep things interesting.
                        This is a big town & a drive most anywhere you go. Can't make many of the activities that GHAC is involved in at times from swap day to zoo tours to helping w/ school aquariums but that doesn't stop me when I can.
                        Personally they have come to my rescue & I hope I can keep paying it forward. Sure there is always a few users but it doesn't take long to sort them out. They may need a little "help" one day & some of us them & theys will jump right in to help make it right / we will even still be there for you. That's the way it is. I look at my hobby serious, I look at my friends as family. V
                        Couldn't have said it any better. However, most of the members here on Houston Fish Box are not members of GHAC. There's just a large number of regular posters that are a part of the club.

                        Lee. Why are you so spiteful? Did something that bad happened to you while growing up? You seem like these rich folks at my workplace. A bunch of snobby rich and spoiled kids (old timers) with no manners who think they're better than everyone and everything because they have some paper.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by allysangels View Post
                          "I really could care less about hearing from those enjoying a non structured club"
                          "let's see if we can develope the idea into a Real Houston Aquariam Society."

                          really could care less? real aquarium society? these comments are what i found offensive. you didn't even spell aquarium correctly, but you criticize. if you ever needed help, we would be there for you. justdoit, you couldn't have been more right. this community has been there for me during my recent hard times, and i'm sure that if you would be open to having a little fun, you would be welcomed and accepted as i was. we care for each other, and if i seem a bit defensive of the group, it's because this group has been there for me in turn.

                          I was actually about to say the same thing, but decided to hold my tongue (in this case my fingers lol). We're not about "who's better" or "who's the best". That's child-like thinking. We're about helping each other out and not going at each other throats. Lee, grow up.


                          • #14
                            I think you will find most people nowadays have the desire but not the time to take on extra responsibilities. You do realize that it takes having someone in the membership with the will and the time to organize a program in order to have the program in the first place don't you? You could be a great deal more help by joining a current club instead of forming a new one. I hope you find like-minded people and you are able to find what you are looking for in their company. I wish you well but please tone down the condescension. In case you haven't noticed, you're hurting your own cause.
                            135 gal Fahaka Puffer
                            150 gal Threadfin Acaras, Angels, Red Spotted Severum, Gold Severum, and a Silver Dollar
                            185 gal Demasoni, Yellow Labs, Venustus, Rustys, Plecos, Clown Loaches, and Sharks


                            • #15
                              Wow... just wow.
                              Hang on.
                              "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde

