Who: anybody can come.
Where: Jacob's place.
11881 Gulf Pointe Apartment #M12
Houston TX, 77089
(45S @ the beltway behind the Home Depot)
When: the third Saturday of the month (Sept 19th) from 7PM until ????
Why: because we want to!
Bring some food and beverages to share if you want. Jacob does NOT have a BBQ pit.
There will be a small raffle at the meeting as well.
I'll be bringing Dr Pepper and some form of snack.
Where: Jacob's place.
11881 Gulf Pointe Apartment #M12
Houston TX, 77089
(45S @ the beltway behind the Home Depot)
When: the third Saturday of the month (Sept 19th) from 7PM until ????
Why: because we want to!

Bring some food and beverages to share if you want. Jacob does NOT have a BBQ pit.
There will be a small raffle at the meeting as well.
I'll be bringing Dr Pepper and some form of snack.