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GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

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  • #91
    Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

    yes and no.

    There's nothing wrong with being passionate about being apart of a club, organization, or whatnot.

    Welcoming a new member that was looking of for some help, by being pretty rude to them for no real reason, was low.  That's not being a good friend, so how would you expect good people to want to be part of something like that.  Take a look at what you are saying.

    For the oldest Aquarium society in Texas, you would think that a welcoming committee would be one of the most important funded portions of the club.  Reaching new people, with new ideas, new concepts, to keep the blood flowing.  To help everyone grow in knowledge, and in becoming a better person for it.
    380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
    300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
    180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
    150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


    • #92
      Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread



      • #93
        Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

        "Its unfortunate that there isnt enough people in HAS that put out a tremendous amount of effort. seriously. However I honestly dont think the GHAC will have the same problem."

        Glad to see you're optomistic about it.....time will tell. You might check with some other established clubs though.

        "Its not about getting rich off the auctions, but that extra 25% that HAS keeps could surely make the hobby less expensive."

        You can have the extra 25% if you're willing to fund the printing, postage, hall rental, and other expenses. That's my personal promise to you. It runs at least $500-600 per auction, so please make sure you bring at least $2400 in fish so you can break even.

        About posting the info for the sellers concerning checks...point taken. Will do it in the future. If you'd like your check quicker however, please feel free to help me sort, by buyer and seller, a good 1400 or so little slips of paper (auction tickets) starting the day after the auction.

        And yes, you detect a note of sarcasm in this one.
        Charles Jones

        A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
        Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


        • #94
          Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

          Originally posted by marauder_77868";p="
          $500-600 per auction, so please make sure you bring at least $2400 in fish so you can break even.

          a good 1400 or so little slips of paper (auction tickets)
          Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit!

          There were 1400 sales?

          You dont have to answer as im not a member of HAS, but do you recall how much total revenue HAS took at the last auction?


          • #95
            Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

            I hate business talk...
            just my personal opinion
            This is not directed at ANYONE in particular..but when I think chat... I think of things moving forward.  
            This seems to have a huge pause...
            I do think constructive criticism is good.  I think that voicing opinions is good.  I think personal attacks are baaaaad.  None of the people who attended the meeting on Friday left with a bad taste in their mouths and in the many many conversations I was privvy to... no one badmouthed ANYTHING aside from which fish should not be with which other fish.  I am not a member of HAS.  I am a newbie in the obsession of fish.  And yes... I now have 9 tanks up and running (the tenth is housing the bunny).  I am excited by the knowledge I have gained and the opinions I have tossed around since entering the fishbox circuit.  I love the friendships I have made.  I think the GHAC is a great idea and no one is forced to join.  Nuff said. (imho)
            5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
            20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
            29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
            29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
            29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
            55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
            75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
            / 10+" oscar/ parrot


            • #96
              Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

              And i was just starting to like you :(

              :P 9 tanks already, addict


              • #97
                Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread


                I never had any exposure to HAS until this site told me about the this last auction.  I was really impressed with everything and had a nice time.   I do wish that the payment method for people bringing items to the auction was more clear.

                I know that cost money to rent those places and I am sure as long as no one got paid for their time spent there, I am sure the money was well spent.  I know some fees for bags and re-bagging peoples fish that did a crappy job in the first place took should have been charged to the club.

                When the Tropheus and Petro club started couple years ago, it was just a few of Alex's customers that were in there all the time, every shipment he got, starting to recognize each others passions for the same fish.  Hey you  buying those fish or what?  Thats what started it.

                I think this new club will be a lot like that.  This forum will always be an avenue for passionate people to reach out and communicate.  This is the same for the people in HAS as well.

                There is only one thread in the HAS section of this forum, all it does is give a link to its site.  Why not, post meeting times in there as well?  Ken has provided this free venue for such things in this forum to all clubs.

                The HAS site in my opinion should have some information about when's the next meeting.  It says every 4th Wednesday of the month at a differnt local fish store.  Then it gives a link to a calander which has no mention of where and when the meeting is. That meeting is the 26th of this month, but the calander has no mention of where.  Do you think it will be at one of those overheated fish rooms?
                380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                • #98
                  Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                  Hey its all good!  GHAC is gonna be great.  Alot of work is going into it to give it a good shot and if it doesn't make it, it won't be for the lack of trying.

                  The first official meeting should be more informative and opinions and suggestions welcome.  Imput from the new members will be very important in the development and success of the club.  



                  • #99
                    Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                    The big auctions have about 700 items. Multiply X2 for bidder and seller to come up with 1400.
                    Charles Jones

                    A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                    Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                    • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                      im curious as to why all i ever hear about are fish auctions, is it a fish culture thing or what. I've never heard of a reptile auction, or a bird auction, or a rabbit or rodent auction. why are independent fish sales so different. it seems that those events just charge a flat fee for a table, and whether of not a vendor profits is whether or not their product sells. as i recall if an item doesnt sell at an auction because of a minimum price that person has to pay it right (thats what i remmeber reading i may be wrong) but it seems to me, that if i wanted to sell something more ecconomicly to other fish keepers an expo would be cheaper for the shoppers. and the only people hurt will be those that sell too high and therefor dont sell enough. i mean with 700 items for sale there would be almost no way to know everything that was coming up. and it still means that if someone has more money that they will get what they want everytime. so maybe little guy startin out wants a nice pair of guppies. and this gy who has soo many types you cant count has more cash, little guy doesnt stand a chance at the auction and is left with Pet(fill in chain name) quality and is destraught. anyway auctions tend to be geared fro those with money and not the other way around. and yes a seller might make a little more per item (sometimes) but i seem to recall some really nice things going for nuthin at the HLA auction simply cus the people were not there for that. so maybe a more stable selling method (with probably a little less stress for fish) may be in order. and maybe keep auction for the really unique stuff. Or even better all auction items come as donations from club members to help fund the club, that way only the organization profits from them and those that donated so many items if their items garner enough at the auction it covers their table fee for the expo (just and idea i had gonna go talk to one of the VPs at the GHAC right now, well maybe message it is late)
                      Never fear I is here
                      David Abeles
                      Vice President
                      Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                      • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                        Yeah, at rabbit shows we have raffles. All of the raffle items are donated to the club that sponsors the show and raffle tickets are sold. A lot of times oyu will find some decent rabbits in the raffle too.

                        We also do what we like to call a 50/50. Someone gets an old pickle jar and a roll of tickets and walks around selling the tickets, say, for a buck a piece. Well, at the end of the selling period, someone draws a ticket out of the jar and the winner gets 50% of all of the money in the jar. The club keeps the rest, and everyone feels like they have done their part to help the club out even if they didn't win the money.



                        • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                          that seems like another cool idea. maybe i can get a job as officer for fundraising (im kidding guys, besides i rather like being just another ghost behind the throne whispering suggestions that probably wont be heard, more entertaining for everyone involved when you hear me cursing )
                          Never fear I is here
                          David Abeles
                          Vice President
                          Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                          • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                            David, spellcheck dude, geeeeeeeeez!
                            Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.


                            • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                              the post have spell check?
                              Resident BUM !!!


                              • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                                Brownsnoutuk – I never said that I was upset that a new club was forming or that it was “doomed to fail”. Don’t add anything to my posting that’s not there.  I have no problem with another fish club forming in Houston. Form 10 new fish clubs if you want, just don’t start lodging complaints about the club that I belong to and not expect some repercussions. How have you formed your opinions about HAS? Personal experience or hearsay? As far as the HAS Treasury is concerned, it’s Club policy not to make it public. Charles has extended an invitation for you to come to a meeting. I’ll be more than happy to sit down with you and answer any questions. And if the Board will allow it, I’ll even show you the past reports. Just don’t bring a copier or spy camera.

                                eklikewhoa – Make you a deal…if you don’t knock the club to which I’m a member, I won’t knock you. How’s that?  I’m sorry if you don’t agree if the amount of pride I have in the club that I belong to shows up in my comments. Fishlady made a public complaint about HAS and I merely made a public complaint back and offered a solution to the problem. Do you think that’s not fair?  Would we be having this discussion if she had emailed me her complaint?  And, if HAS wasn’t fun, I wouldn’t be a part of it. I don’t remember seeing either you or Fishlady at the “Beach Party”. What a great time that was. You should have been there. More fun and great food than you can imagine. And that’s just one of several events that HAS has done this year.

                                rrocket2002 – It wasn’t a cheap shot about the meeting or Mike’s place, I wasn’t there. I was just going by what other people had posted about it. I haven’t had a chance to see Mike’s place as yet. I can’t wait to see it. HAS isn’t looking for a “war” nor are we looking to compete. Those words are being used by people who are supporting this new club. As I stated earlier…form 10 new clubs, HAS already co-exists with more than 6 fish clubs in the Houston area. What’s the problem with a couple more? I never said I or HAS had a problem with another club forming. It was someone else’s interpretation of my posting. Go back and read it again if necessary.

                                Tiapan – You have lots of great ideas. Some of which we have already discussed at the HAS Meetings and a few others that people have suggested. After every auction we hash over ideas that will make the next one even better. Your visit to the HAS Auction was a culmination of all these ideas and years of experience. I’m sorry if you can’t get what you want at the price you want to pay. (I like to get things “as close to free as possible” too!)

                                If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me. Dave
                                TO BE, OR NOT TO BE ... was never a question!

