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GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

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  • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

     8O  even i will keep my mouth closed about that one, and SCOTT if you look at the time that was posted i was half awake. os give me some slack, im still not sure which word i mis-spelled, im sure its the one with fun in it. anyway i have never actually been to an auction just the idea kinda bugs me. i much prefer expos and the like where you can shop around. and that doesnt mean always paying the least amount. in fact by getting to talk to the breeders and sellers about their wares i can gage how well they have been taken care of and if i trust that person enough to purchase whatever from them. and it seems that with all the events that HAS has supposedly given that I have never seen a single post about them on yours (as in HAS's) section. If I had heard about other events that mayhaps i could have attended i may have joined as a member but again have never heard about anything like that. Cus i am always up for a beach party that why I always have MArdi Gras beads in my car (whoops dont let the girlfriend see that , but seriously i think im outa beads right now, who would have thunk it)
    Never fear I is here
    David Abeles
    Vice President
    Greater Houston Aquarium Club


    • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

      Oh and for some reason i cant think of all 6 fish clubs, i know HAS, HLA, am still not quite sure what FOTAS is, and I think NASH, is LHA in there and Troph/petrichromis too, that would make 6 or are there others im not aware of. please inform me of all these wonderful things that can take more of my not precious at all time away, forget about my insane reading addiction, or WOW (if you dont know dont ask), and god forbid (forgive my blasphamy for those who are truly of ANY faith no offense meant) that i spend Time with my girlfriend and not just with my many hobbies and friends from them let alone normal friends  8)
      Never fear I is here
      David Abeles
      Vice President
      Greater Houston Aquarium Club


      • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

        but i am eager to here anything new about the new club so thats what im gonna ask, has anything new developed or are we still workin out kinks in the opening moves of the chess game? let me know and of course guys if you do actually need help Tim can vouch about my impecable timing in showing up when its the most fun and coincedentally the least amount of work (unless its smashing stuff like the rock hunt, im great for smashing)(and kidding by the way i would really love to help can i just be chairman of the FUN commitee) :wink:
        Never fear I is here
        David Abeles
        Vice President
        Greater Houston Aquarium Club


        • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

          First off I would like to say if you want to attack someone for the right to have an opinion about being treated unfairly then you should not claim to be a representative of HAS and come at me in this manner. I have you to know that Rob was kind enough to talk to me and thru his efforts HAS contacted me and straightened out the things that were causing me disappointment with them. I have received emails from Cameron that furthered the resolution. But for you to come on here and come at me like a mad person, kind of gives me the second thought of being a member of HAS if it's filled with individuals like yourself that attack people instead of calmly resolving their issues...I will be talking to Prosper, and Cameron about you as a whole. and until that time I would sincerely appreciate you not including my name in any of your postings on the fishbox forum. Oh and to clear up one more thing. I have you to know that before I became so "disappointed" in "your" club, I had emailed them about my concerns but never got an answer from anyone!!!!!!. This will be the last time I will post anything about the subject of HAS on here again!!!!!. So I would suggest to you that you back off if you haven't got anything nice to say.

          Loretta MItchell


          • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

            OK, can I hijack this thread and get it back on topic? Lets re-read the subject guys n gals. I don't want to come across as an a$$ but this isn't accomplishing anything. Lets calmly get back on topic and move forward.
            In regards to that effect, I will be posting a thread in search of opinions on best nights for meetings, give it some thought. We would probably be looking at the second or third week of each month on either a Friday or Saturday. The Constitution and By-laws are just about ready for presentation, a couple more days and we should be ready to show everyone our efforts. Bear with us on this, it's not as easy as you might think.
            Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.


            • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

              Second week would be good for me especially if it will be evening meetings since I have NASH meetings that day earlier on.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                my vote is for friday


                • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                  OKAY THEN!

                  I agree with Scott. Let's stop the silliness.    Fish clubs are around because we all love fish. I am a member of a few, and love each one for different reasons. For example, HLA for its safaris. HAS for FOTAS and the auctions and all the other events I try to fit in when I get the postcards  :) . LHA (or whatever you wanna call it) for the crazy people.  :P  Even love TAKO, even though I've only been to one event!

                  Anyways...Carry on, but be nice!!   8)
                  "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                  • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                    One thing I can see from this "chatter thread", there seems to be a fair amount of concern regarding the business end of "the club"
                    I for one am disappointed to hear/read all the concerns about the legalities of forming the club and dues etc.....I'll be glad when it's all settled and done with.

                    Sign me up, take my 5.00 and I'll see you when I see you.....Be well and take care until then.

                    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                    • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                      who is TAKO?
                      Never fear I is here
                      David Abeles
                      Vice President
                      Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                      • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                        Texas Area Killifish Organization


                        • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                          ok thanks, yeah i dont have any killies right now so they wouldnt relaly be for me lol at least right now.
                          Never fear I is here
                          David Abeles
                          Vice President
                          Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                          • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread

                            Since everyone had a chance to reply and state that it was their last words then I’ll post my last words and sign off too. And as long as they keep their promises and no one else decides to chime in, I’ll keep mine.

                            Elikewhoa – Again, I was only going by the comments I read from someone that was there that said they wanted more fans at the next meeting. IMO that means; temperature above comfortable, sweaty, hot, sticky, in need of cooling. If you’d like I’ll go back and edit out the word overheated.

                            You are absolutely right…I did come back in “full defensive mode” to Fishlady’s posting. And I will again the next time someone publicly complains, insults, or talks negatively about me or any club that I belong to. Sorry, that’s just the way I am. Don’t ever expect me to “turn the other cheek”. Be nice to me and I’ll be nice to you. Hopefully she will learn…“that you get a better response with sugar than you do with lemons”. You responded to my postings in an intelligent, nicely worded way and I hope I have done the same.

                            I have only read a couple of postings about a club forming. Weather it’s “new” or an “expansion” or an “addition” I really don’t know. But it had to be someone’s idea or dream or thought. Please substitute the correct words that apply.  HAS has taken 57 years to get where she/he/it (I like to be PC) is today. It takes a lot of hard work to keep a club going, let alone start from scratch. I wish everyone starting a new club, or expanding/adding to an old one, good luck.

                            I believe you are mistaken when you said that I stated “it’s a waste of time to form another club”. As I said before – form 10 new clubs, it’s fine with me.  I just wish everyone would make a fair comparison and base their opinions with first hand experience of the whole club, not just an auction. We work our butts off for 12 to 15 hours on the day of our auctions and it’s probably not the best time to expect us to be at our “social best”.

                            If you were at the HLA Auction then you saw me there too. Herein lies one of the ways that I can show proof of my support for more than one club. Maybe I bid against you on something and won. Please don’t hate me.

                            I also look forward to meeting you. Email me before the next HAS event you’d like to go to.  I’ll come pick you up and we’ll carpool. We’ll talk about worldly problems and maybe even solve a few.

                            Brownsnoutok – You are also right. Rob was the first with his views about clubs and Fishlady was the second with her complaints. The reasons I don’t “keep my fingers still” are listed above. I can’t speak for the rest of the HAS members that have responded but I’ll bet their reasons are almost the same.

                            Tiapan -  If you go to any future auctions and are looking for a particular species, let us know. We’ll tell you which sellers to look for, and if you want I’ll introduce you to them.

                            I don’t know if Ken (HFB King Pin/Owner) keeps a history of the postings to the events page but I have listed a few HAS events this year. In the past couple of months I posted the Sea Center Tour, the Houston Zoo Tour, and the Beach Party. I always include a link to the HAS Website “Calendar” page for more information ‘cause that’s the best place to find it.  Also, check out the “Links” page for other clubs in the area and in the state. Then go to the “FOTAS” page to find out what that’s all about. (To be honest, I had no idea what FOTAS was when I went to my first convention which was here in Houston)  The HAS Website is truly a wealth of information. Sorry to the people who think the colors or fonts need to be updated. To those people I say – email me your suggestions.

                            Fishlady – First off, I did not attack you. I merely responded to your complaint with a complaint and a simple solution. If you consider it an attack then we’ll call your posting an attack, and remember, you were the one that attacked first. If you don’t want me to “come at you in this manner” then don’t come at me or HAS in the same manner. See how this works? (See more reasons above) If you had contacted me via email then I would have responded back with an email, or a phone call, or a meeting, accompanied by a solution. To let you know, I even follow up on some of the emails to other Board Members to make sure that they are responded to. Sorry if I missed yours.

                            I too have disappointments in “our” club. Do you really think that it would be constructive for me to get on the HFB and complain about them publicly? As you can see, that solves nothing and causes nothing but harm and bad feelings. I also suggest that you back off if you have nothing nice to say…after all, this is not the first time that your choice of words on the HFB has caused problems.

                            Please talk to everybody you can about my nature. You may be surprised when you hear what they have to say. If you would like a list of names and numbers to contact I’d be happy to provide it.  If you should email Prosper and he doesn’t get the time to stop and answer all the emails he gets everyday, please let me know. I know of several places where his phone number is listed and I can direct you toward them. Please don’t get on the HFB and make another public complaint. Again, that will solve nothing and cause more repercussions that you may not like.

                            Hope this has put an end to it. Let’s get back to fish collecting.  Dave
                            TO BE, OR NOT TO BE ... was never a question!


                            • Re: GHAC - Comments and like Chatter Thread


                              I'm going to lock this one and start a new chat thread about GHAC. Please keep the new one on topic, meaning "a chat thread about GHAC."
                              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

