Re: JUne Swap n Sell
No membership or fees are associated with this. This event is hosted by the LHA and as Raul says, we are open to anyone who has an interest in fresh water aquaria. A surge protector or 2 might not be a bad idea, as all power will be run out to the meet via extension cords. The beauty part of doing it this way, you get to set up a small display tank or 2 to show off the fish in a much better setting than a fish bag. Hopefully, this will be a huge success and we can have many more in the future. I know we will have at least one commercial vendor at the meet to offer up some very nice stuff at unbelievable prices! Don't be bashful, even if you don't have anything to get rid of, chances are you will see something you just can't live without, hehe. See you all Saturday morning!
P.S. bring them fish hats!
No membership or fees are associated with this. This event is hosted by the LHA and as Raul says, we are open to anyone who has an interest in fresh water aquaria. A surge protector or 2 might not be a bad idea, as all power will be run out to the meet via extension cords. The beauty part of doing it this way, you get to set up a small display tank or 2 to show off the fish in a much better setting than a fish bag. Hopefully, this will be a huge success and we can have many more in the future. I know we will have at least one commercial vendor at the meet to offer up some very nice stuff at unbelievable prices! Don't be bashful, even if you don't have anything to get rid of, chances are you will see something you just can't live without, hehe. See you all Saturday morning!
P.S. bring them fish hats!