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GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

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  • #76
    Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

    yeah i have to request to come late on the saturday of the swap. I will be bringing lots and lots of plants, crypts, vals, maybe some anubias, some anubias, some swords, some java fern, najas grass. and of course some cash to spend on other peoples stuff. i am so ready for this event.
    Never fear I is here
    David Abeles
    Vice President
    Greater Houston Aquarium Club


    • #77
      Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

      May GHAC members write checks for this? I really do not like carrying much cash around (bad experience). :?


      • #78
        Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

        You can do whatever you want. This is between buyer and seller only. The GHAC is merely sponsoring this event. If you find someone willing to take a check from you, that is up to them.
        Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
        Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
        Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
        Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


        • #79
          Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

          ok, so to the sellers of this event:
          Would you accept a check from me?
          You know where to find me. I'll be happy to provide all necessary info. Thanks. 8)
          PLECOS SUCK!


          • #80
            Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

            would there be any interest in Buffalohead or pink convict fry?
            5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
            20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
            29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
            29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
            29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
            55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
            75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
            / 10+" oscar/ parrot


            • #81
              Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

              Yes, buffalohead.  They are so cute!  :)
              Our Fishhouse
              Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


              • #82
                Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

       about some Jaguar juvies?  They are getting to the point they are swallowing each other at 1 1/2".
                I am hoping to grow out at least one as a mate for my 4-5" male. lol
                5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
                20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
                29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
                29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
                29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
                55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
                75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
                / 10+" oscar/ parrot


                • #83
                  Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

                  I would like to bring some things I don't need to swap, but I am not sure anyone would need them.

                  I wanted to find a new home for two medium plecos - not liking them very much in these tanks - liking the albino ones much better.

                  I have a few mollies I would like to find a home for - but they are very plain - just white and one greyish colored one.

                  I have a gazillion guppies, but nothing too fancy - some pretty colors but nothing special

                  I have some tank decorations that came with a batch of aquarium gear I bought a while back...



                  • #84
                    Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

                    Kris - You'll never know who will show up. I'll let you put the plecos in my pond if nobody else wants them.

                    Nickintex - I'd take a check from you for what it is worth.
                    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                    • #85
                      Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

                      Nickintex - we'd take a check too.  :)
                      Our Fishhouse
                      Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                      • #86
                        Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

                        Thanks 8)
                        PLECOS SUCK!



                        • #87
                          Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

                          i would take a check from you too Nick , but im not sure any of my items are gonna run more then a few bucks that is unless you get like  a whole bunch.    which i of course would not mind. :wink:
                          Never fear I is here
                          David Abeles
                          Vice President
                          Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                          • #88
                            Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

                            Tim are you still looking to trade the mag 24 for a mag 12. If you are let me know as I have a mag 12 that I would be willing to trade with you.
                            Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                            Mod OF Marshreef

                            Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                            Coming soon Daphnia


                            • #89
                              Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

                              Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                              Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                              Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                              Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                              • #90
                                Re: GHAC "Swap n Sell" Updated

                                I am looking for (used or new) Eco-complete black substrate and some dwaft hairgrass. Please let me know if anyone can bring it to the meeting.

                                100 gal- java fern windelov,anubia petite,xmas moss, crypt,val, sword, riccia fluitans, Sagittaria subulata
                                30 gal:e.tenellus,hygrophila wavy,acicularis vivapara,Limnophila aquatica,Hygrophila corymbosa,Hydrocotyle(praecox rainbow,Celestial PD

