Why are we having so many GHAC events each month?
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It's Raul's fault! :naughty:
Who's complaining?PLECOS SUCK!
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Because it's fun?Maybe certain people can only present at certain times? or availability of guest speakers is limited to certain days?
It's only two events a month. There will be some months when its just the meeting, but my question to you is why not? There isn't a rule that I know of. I would be kind of pleased that I belong to an organization that has alot of events. That way if I couldn't make one I would prolly make another.
We can ask the members at the next meeting about it.Raul
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It's not fun nor is it wise to do have so many a month.
It's much easier for us to have one combine meeting per month then have multiple meetings per month....people will start getting burned out
just my 2 cents...carry on!
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I had a short chat with Raul along these lines recently, where I mentioned my concern about the club getting a little bit too big for it's britch's.....I thought we where moving a bit too quickly myself.
As a infant learns to crawl and then toddle around, eventually he/she learns to walk and then run......
But hey, to each his own.....ditto.....carry on!
CFTruth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.
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Originally posted by delock";p="It's not fun nor is it wise to do have so many a month.
It's much easier for us to have one combine meeting per month then have multiple meetings per month....people will start getting burned out
just my 2 cents...carry on!
GHAC is a "social" fish club. Our meetings are just that...meetings with social time afterwards. Its a time for us to talk to others that we may not see often or not at all in person and just have a good relaxing time. The other time we meet is what I refer to as a club "event". Something more for GHAC to offer its members.
Now as far as presentations go, we have to work with the speakers schedule as well as ours and available facilities to host one.
I take this like I take the day we have the meetings scheduled. We can't please everyone. When we do have a "event" it is on a Sat or Sun and gives those who can't make the Friday meetings an opportunity to particpate.
I invite others to offer their opinion, I or should I we, would love to hear from you. What's your feeling, in favor or not of having getting together twice a month. Let's just please keep it on topic related to Delock's question.Raul
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I don't have a problem with GHAC having the monthly meetings and having events in the same month. You have to consider that not everyone is going to be interested in every event. Everyone in the club has their own main area of interest, so not everyone will be going to every event.
I think that the more opportunities for us to get together allows us to do just that....get together. And for those who can't meet on a particular day would have more of a chance to hit the next event.
As far as getting burned out...I didn't realize that the meetings and events were mandatory.I missed the last meeting...did I get a demerit. :wink:
Our Fishhouse
Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.
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I think twice a month is fine - one is a business meeting with socialization, the other is some kind of class, or speaker, with socialization. I guess (since I haven't been to the other one) that they have a slightly different feel to them. I think it is good, because if I miss one, I can make the other. Chances are that in every given month, I won't be able to make one of the two, so that gives me another chance to see folks and learn cool things.
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i cant speak for everyone else but i feel the club is progressing at a nice pace. i have been in lots of so called clubs or one kind or another. form small tradition type things to very specific ones. As Raul said there is no way that we can make everyone happy. some people can only make every 3rd meeting or can only come for part of a meeting. i myself am almost never available for the weekend, particularly on Sunday. But i have been all for club having a meeting on the day every so often because some people would find that easier for them to attend. we have had a meting on Sunday and it did ok. even if i miss the meeting i dont really complain (i do probably make at least one sarcastic remark, but all in good hearted jest) because i know that by at least TRYING to make more of the club members happy we can only improve the club and work towards finding a happy medium. as to their being too many events in a month, i dont think i could really get too much of you guys. especially since we keep getting new faces. we had a few new people at the presentation today, and i truly enjoyed meeting them and hope to get the know them better in the future. I think by us exploring different areas of the hobby and learning more (like through events like the killifish presentation today) we can only grow as a hobby and as a responsible (and fun) fish club. just my nickle of thought, but then again no one takes me seriously :wink:Never fear I is here
David Abeles
Vice President
Greater Houston Aquarium Club