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HAS Auction

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  • #91
    Re: HAS Auction

    Do you guys have any rainbow fish or harlequin tetras.  I want to trade one of my discus.  If I'm not busy I might bring the plants for fishlady.
    180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights


    • #92
      Re: HAS Auction

      How big is the discus? and wha kind?
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #93
        Re: HAS Auction

        alenquer discus. Its an adult roughly 6.5 inch.
        180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights


        • #94
          Re: HAS Auction

          New to the auction-Will there be Koi, goldfish, pond plants or any kind of pond equipment?


          • #95
            Re: HAS Auction

            This is a what you see is what you get auction.
            No telling what folks will bring.......................
            But guaranteed to have lotsa things you cant go home without. 8O
            'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
            He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


            • #96
              Re: HAS Auction

              I've used those containers that bettas are displayed in.  Clear plastic, with a lid - hole in the middle of the lid.  Chinese food soup to-go containers might work well too - just cut a hole in the lid.  They can breathe from the air if necessary so maybe a piece of rock he can climb on and don't put too much water in it.

              Email somene in charge of the Auction and pose the question - and offer suggestions if they don't have an answer.

              Double bagging will work for a short while.

              I've had them shipped to me in bags, but they were in a styrofoam cup with lid on it inside the bag.  There were many holes poked in the cup - holes made by the packer, not the crayfish!

              keep us updated, maybe I"ll decide at the last minute to bring a bunch of my blue babies to sell if it's not a horrible hassle to pack...
              The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
              Who says you can`t have it all??!!


              • #97
                Re: HAS Auction

                Here's a link to the Houston Aquarium Society "Summer Live Fish Auction." Most of your questions can be answered there. If you need more information or would like to obtain a "Seller's Number" early please call Prosper at Aqua Zoo - 281-286-2238.

                TO BE, OR NOT TO BE ... was never a question!


                • #98
                  Re: HAS Auction

                  The post above is missing a :


                  • #99
                    Re: HAS Auction

                    For those that are new... here is how it goes....

                    First you check in and get a bidding number. Join HAS for a discount.

                    There are 4 groups of tables set around the room. Red, Blue, Yellow, Green. Usually there are 2 (or 4?) 10' long tables per color (that's a LOT of fish!). On each group of tables are bags of fish and equipment, each with a card explaining what they are, a colored dot, and sellers number and item number. You can walk around and pick up stuff to examine it. You may want to make notes of the table and item number of things that interest you.

                    They start with one color group of tables and work until it is cleared, then go to the next color. I can't recall which is first, just ask. Bags and items are moved by runners to the front table where volunteers prepare sales tickets. You can watch your bag of interest move down the table toward the autioneer, so pay attention.

                    The auctioneer will read whatever is on the card, adding any info they can, then begins bidding at a reasonable level. Bids typcally go in $1 increments, sometimes bigger jumps depending on who wants what. When the item is sold, the auctioneer notes on the card the buyer number and price, and on the bag as well. The bag goes into a sack with the buyers number on it.

                    Whenever you are ready to checkout, you go to the front and they get your bag and the envelope with all the tickets for items you won in bidding. They total the cost, adding tax, and check to see that all the items in the bag match the tickets. You pay up and go.

                    At the same time, there are other tables with silent auction things, usually food and equipment, never fish. These are sold by adding your number and bid to the list at each item. They will announce when the biding is about to close.

                    So, between all the conversation going on, as you meet old friends and find online friends in person, and eating and drinking, and looking at fish on tables, and trying to watch for what you are interested in coming can get confusing. It can be easy to miss something you wanted, or to get a fish that was not the exact item you thought it was -- (oh, this bag had 4?) It is certain that you will buy more than you expected, unless you keep a list of what and how much you've got so far. And then the silent auction things will still surprize you.

                    You may want to get there before it starts to have time to look at everything available, but things are still coming in as the auction is going on, so you still have to get up and look again -- risking missing an item that goes when your back is turned.

                    You may want to stay late, as the crowd thins prices may be lower than before, or not. If you don't want to stay late, you can have a bag moved up, but that is no guarantee that you will win the bidding.

                    Plan on a long day, or have the strength to simply walk away -- I never could do that myself. The raffle is at the end usually.


                    • Re: HAS Auction

                      Do you have to be there at the end to win the raffle?
                      Resident fish bum
                      330G FOWLR
                      34G Reef
                      330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                      28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                      Treasurer, GHAC


                      • Re: HAS Auction

                        Yes you do have to be present to win the raffle.

                        Also the 30 hex I was bring has been sold.
                        Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                        Mod OF Marshreef

                        Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                        Coming soon Daphnia


                        • Re: HAS Auction

                          Originally posted by katypond";p="
                          New to the auction-Will there be Koi, goldfish, pond plants or any kind of pond equipment?
                          If you are looking for pond plants drop me a line.  I have plenty of extra bog and pond plants.  I tried to send you a PM and it does not show in the sent file.  

                          20 +  year ponder
                          former editor of the Lone Star Koi Club Newsletter.


                          • Re: HAS Auction

                            Fishysue---you got everything im looking for. ill be bidding on your gold marble and koi angels.....and some java fern!


                            • Re: HAS Auction

                              I will be going to the auction.  Mainly looking for some cichlids and plecos

                              Cichlidsooner, anymore frontosa babies?
                              Clear Lake, TX


                              • Re: HAS Auction

                                Fish Ranch will be bringing some cichlids and a peek at what was being packaged to go.
                                700g Mini-Monster tank

