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H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

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  • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

    I didn't sell anything this time, but did come home with a couple of items.  It was great to see everyone there from fishbox.  



    • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

      I bid on every Brisstlenose that came up after I got there around 1pm.  You guys were some Pleco biddin fools.

      EK, youe lucky you got the last one of the night.
      380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
      300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
      180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
      150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


      • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

        How much were the bristlenose going for?


        • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

          Soni and I had so much stuff. The started going through our bin and was like oh you have more I think we walked out with three very full bags plus the large driftwood. We spent way to much but I got a lot of cool fish. I know Soni loves her rams.
          Resident fish bum
          330G FOWLR
          34G Reef
          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
          Treasurer, GHAC


          • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

            i came away with way too much as usual. But to my utter horror, this morning my prize papa pleco was dead.   He was fine last night. Ye Gods!  
            2 75s, 125,55,25 and 14 gallon tank


            • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

              Yeah, FL & I had four bags of fish in the truck when we left, when we got home it was like" who bid on these guys?" ....

              I did feel for Charles and the sellers towards the end of the night when those really nice fish where being sold for pennies on the dollar, but hey, some die hards got some really great short,

              A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL


              BRAVO H. A. S.  & Those who did all the work....

              Thank You
              Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


              • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                The auction was a really nice time.  I always enjoy hanging out with everyone, and meeting old and new friends.

                Charles your tha man..

                Even though I never got a Brisstlenose by Auction.  Atleast Rick was nice enough to sell me one for $5

                Most of the adult BN were going $10-15 each for males, and like $5-10 for females.

                They had some grab bags of smaller 1.5 to 2.5" guys that had like 6-8 in there that went like $25-35 for the lot.
                380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                  :clap:  Yes, great job HAS, Charles in particular!! Did we set a record, or has an auction gone later than 9:00 before? I got home, called my BF, and he was like, "You spent ALL DAY at a fish thing?!?!"  

                  I also brought home only 1 fish (Gosh, at least I hope so...left everything else in the bag except for my new betta...). But got some really cool stuff and can't wait to set it all up this afternoon.

                  Reba, you're very welcome.

                  It was great seeing everyone again! And again, thanks to HAS! And everyone else who brought all the great items.  
                  "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                  • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                    I went just for plants as well, but I had to keep Nick in his place & got the spotted BN.

                    I would have to say this was one of the better aucton we have had at HAS. It was an all day event.
                    I would like to thank everyone that helped out so that things went as smoothly as possible.

                    Also thanks Quoc for all the nice plants.
                    Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                    Mod OF Marshreef

                    Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                    Coming soon Daphnia


                    • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                      I don't know the record length for an auction, but: there was one at a Ramada(?) near Hobby several years ago (when Hal did most of the auctioning) and I left at 10 PM and there was still half a table of stuff.
                      My memory is that there was less "stuff" and more fish at the auctions years ago.


                      • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                        ek - Thanks for the comments. Glad you had a good time. Tell NASH we said "thanks for all the plants"!  About that eco-aqualizer...Tyler (from Fish Ranch) says it's actually a "flux capacitor".  Bolt it onto a De Lorean and see what happens.

                        We actually hold 3 auctions a in the Spring, one in the Summer and one in the Fall. If they get any bigger we'll have to start thinking about holding them on both Saturday AND Sunday...or as long as Charles can talk. Check the HAS Web Site "Calendar Page" after Jan 1st. for the date of the next Auction.
                        TO BE, OR NOT TO BE ... was never a question!


                        • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                          The plants came from N.A.S.H.

                          Raul, the plant you got was Marsilea Minuta...retail, from what I have seen was about $4-5 for about a third or a quarter of what you got and not in as good of shape.

                          Geoff, I tried all morning to get some of those BN's but couldn't....on the ones I saw you start bidding on I stopped but of course there was Nick on the other side tearing it up. Glad you ended up with one though. Mine is ripping through the tank right now and his Bristles are pretty awesome.
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                            Mzungu - Thanks for all your help! Also enjoyed meeting Spoon!
                            The NASH plants were great and really healthy! Some I'd never seen before.
                            Everyone seemed to join in helping at the auction yesterday; even someone offering to help carry a box from the car or moving an item up makes for good camaraderie.
                            WE ARE ALL SUCH FISH GEEKS!!!    
                            (Sorry, I'm getting carried away - I do better on more than 4 hours sleep)


                            • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                              Howdy All,

                              It was another GREAT HAS auction yesterday and appreciate all the volunteers helping out to make it go faster and give others a break.  KC my youngest son got 12 volunteer hours in for school and Mark had fun doing different jobs.  They slept all the way home and it was tuff waking them at 5:30 this morning.

                              Thank you for bidding on the big black lyretail sailfin mollies & the pair of rams we brought; if they sold for over $20 I said I would buy the boys a steak dinner, and they did!!!  

                              Mary Beth, I have a 5 gallon metal stand I would like to sell you  

                              Geoff, thank you for the automatic feeder for Mark's school  

                              Walter for the bucket to put the sand in to make the 29 gallon lighter  :idea:  

                              later, ken


                              • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                                Dang, I'm really sad I missed this!!! Maybe I can make the one in the spring when I'm all better... I guess that will give me plenty of time to save up my $$$$ for all of the fishy stuff I need!!!  


