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H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

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  • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

    Yeah I had a ton of fun being there.. even though I was not there to bid on anything.  Next year when the house has been renovated for space for the tanks, I will have a couple of tanks that needs to be ready to go get filled.

    What fish do Jesper have
    180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
    Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
    58 S. Decorus

    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


    • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

      Originally posted by islander";p="
      Mary Beth, I have a 5 gallon metal stand I would like to sell you  
      Ha, ha....

      That was my big purchase for the day! I will now have some free counter space!  
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

        Thanks to everyone that helped out at the auction!  I had a great time.  Charles in particular I'm sure had a rough day.  I auctioneered for a total of MAYBE 2 hours, and my throat was scratchy.  I don't know how he can do it all day!
        Dave Schumacher


        • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

          I think next auction I will be ready to sell some things and volunteer my time to carry around the fish so everyone can see what theyre bidding on.
          Clear Lake, TX


          • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

            The HAS auction was great!!!  Lots of stuff and prices were good toward the end of the auction.  Great when I'm bidding, not so great when I'm selling. LOL.  I had a good time as usual and the steak dinner was good too.  Thanks for everyone who volunteered!  

            Congrats on the new aquarium, Dave.  If I couldn't win it, it couldn't have gone to a more deserving guy.  One of the hard working volunteers at every auction.

            Just one question.  I bought a lot of plants, including the Marsilea Minuta.  Do you treat this plant like riccia, tie it to a rock?  What are the light requirements?



            • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

              I got some holey rock, driftwood, shells, sponge filter, a Coralife 50/50 that turned out to be a regular Eclipse daylight, and some Black Occies. And a big thanks to Dave for selling out of his Black Occies because I saved a fortune on the ones that I won.
              So many things can be a mystery, when all we're seeking is freedom...


              • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                 i got a bristle nose.....heavy remorsful stuff...i bid like crazy on that guy....he's magnimous.....that also means totally awsome.....


                • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                  Dave, just saw your post.....had a blast! The ecoaqualizer thing was an impulse buy just to see for myself since the price was within budget. Don't own a DeLorean but I did run it inline with the fuel on my Lexus...lots of aftermarket places sell something very similar for added "power and fuel saving" but they are super small compared to this thing.

                  Fishysue, the plant is a fern type plant as well as a foreground plant...what I like to do is break it into a few stems and plug them into the substrate and wait for it to fill back in like how it is now.

                  I will take some pictures and make a short tutorial later in the morning for all those that bought the plant.
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                    I agree with all the kudos for Charles...Not a better auctioneer anywhere...and maintained his great sense of humor throughout.

                    Hey, Walter, thanks for bringing the Discus and the great info and recommendations. I'm glad I waited it out because for someone venturing into the discus world for the first time at least my wallet didnt take a serious dent.

                    This is my 4th or 5th auction and it had the best items of any before (especially the last 2 tables).


                    • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                      Originally posted by Fire_chair";p="
                      I got some holey rock, driftwood, shells, sponge filter, a Coralife 50/50 that turned out to be a regular Eclipse daylight, and some Black Occies. And a big thanks to Dave for selling out of his Black Occies because I saved a fortune on the ones that I won.
                      I know what you mean :)  I am glad to hear that you got them.  If I had been ready to bid on them and I had not just filled the only tank up with Dave bought Gold Occies I would have been bidding on those...  Like you I wanted to get Dave to drive me a batch down.. but he was out.. I choose Gold Occies which are now very happy in my tank.. but they have yet to go into any of the shells.  I am thinking I am going have to have to bury them more in the sand for them to be interested in them.  They are still to small to move them.  I am sure that in the future they will have no problems moving them :)

                      What fish do Jesper have
                      180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                      Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                      58 S. Decorus

                      "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                      • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                        Finaly have come to a stopping point.  I may kick my self but I just didn't have enough empty tanks to isolate all my new fish so I have been moving some and put like with like .  The big tetras in my planted 65 - boy howdy is that tank getting crowded, little loaches & white clouds in with the red shrimp and cardinals, gold swords in with the maragold platties and the albino swords in with my koi swords....that may be an oops, put the gold firsh and carp x goldfish crosses out in the rain barrel, Thought about putting the green cobra guppies in with my yellow cobra guppies but found an empty 10g so they got their own tank. put the baby plecos in with my jv bettas as the glass is green and hard to see through. and finly the big bag of convicts and the tiretrack boteas got a 45 and they are happy.  Tomorrow I'll working on finding homes for the mistery snails and plants.

                        Definately need to order some more fish food.  All these guys are hungry all the time.  
                        'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                        He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                        • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                          hey zu..i got some gold occies the last time dave came for the last auction....they are extremly slow growers i'm here to tell ya.....i didn't have to bury their shells though.....they will eventually just go in there on their own.....mine did that too....they are so gorgeous though...they are colored up so beautiful now....mine love the newlife spectrum 1mm sinking....they now have tank mates though....i bought 6 new cylindrical brichardi babies....they seem to not mind sharing the 12 gallon i have them in. you will have a blast with them i assure you....just don't look for them to get big anytime


                          • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                            I had picked up some Marsilea Minuta and a Black and White Butterfly Betta.  The Betta is pretty cool, he belongs to my wife.  I was told his brothers won some ribbons in some shows, so that's cool.

                            I might try my hand at breeding him if I could get my hands on a black and white female, or maybe just solid black or white.  Hmmm.


                            • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4

                              Hey Dave,

                              Is there any update on when checks will be sent out? Would like some info so I can bring the news to NASH.

                              700g Mini-Monster tank


                              • Re: H.A.S. Fish auction Nov. 4


                                I got my HAS auction check in the mail at the end of last week.  I will email Dave in case he does not visit HFB daily.  later, ken

