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Crenicichla sp. "Peru"
Melanochromis exasperatus
A couple of nice pairs of platys
Ludwigia repens
Sagittaria subulata
...and some odds and ends hardgoods
3 trio albino pastel blue guppies
1 trio albino pastel blue snake skin guppies [for three dollars; maybe the steal of the auction]
10 albino red snake skin females
6 trios yellow snake skin guppies
1 pair Ameca Splendens
3 1.5"-2" Bristlenose plecos
1 4"-5" Bristle nose pleco
Plants [I'm not going to spell these right]:
2 bags Crypt Retrospiralis
2 bags Crypt Wendeti "green" [labeled C. Lutea]
1 bag Crypt Wendeti "red"
Many bags of Anubius
4 'orange' marble angel babies (would love to find out more about those, btw)
5 or 6 silver veil teeny angel babies (doing their best to catch and eat my baby guppies)
a dozen red wag platies
red tuxedo guppies
albino-yellow tail guppies
3 bottled pepper cories ( such good camoflauge that I just spotted the first one a while ago in my new 100 gal)
3 baby bristlenose...they'e all over the place, tails wagging, mouths working...
1 bag of Ludwigia Replens (think I spelled that right)
It was hard to walk off and leave all that stuff on the yellow and green tables without even trying, but I may be getting stronger. Those sailfin mollies are so cool, but I don't have any place they'd be happy right now. Someday....
Anyway, it was great. Nice to meet Nancy. I was so happy to have the day off to come.
4 cool Black Salty's (for those who've never heard of these, check out http://blacksalty.com
3 Pseudotropheus "Polits"
3 Chilotilapia Rhoadesii
5 Haplochromis 44 (Thickskin)
1pr Protomelas Steveni Taiwan (Taiwan Reef)
1 litte piece of holy rock that should be perfect for my 2 week old baby Hap 44s
1 lb Bag of Dave's Cichlid flakes
1 styrofoam box - cuz it was only a buck
1 "half pair" velifera Sailfin Mollies*
1 "half pair" Green Lyretail Sailfins*
*shared investment with Philbert
All isn't so well though. Arrival home found one of the Rhoadesii's upside down and having a rough time. I pulled the other 2, put them in a quick-drip setups and put this one in her own setup. She tried for about a half hour to pull through, then did some spastic spins, and expired. :(
The female of the Taiwan Reef pair acted lethargic also. When I got home, she seemed to be barely breathing and just sat there in the bottom of the bag. I had put the same amount of fresh water in a bucket as what she had been packed in, and every 15 minutes would remove a cup or 2 of water and replace with fresh from the tank her and the male were to go in for QT. I had an airstone in there, to help with offgassing the water, set on a light to medium bubble stream. I thought for sure she'd pull through, and that she was just stressed from the packing, being lifted and poked at all day, transport home and de-packing. For this reason, I had placed her in one of the darker colored buckets I had, hoping that would help de-stress her.
I set the alarm for 3 hrs, napped, then got up to check on her. Everyone else was fine and they were relocated into their qt's (each species got it's own QT), except the black salties who were bucket-floated in the goldfish/plant pond. She was acting the same way at that time - I didn't poke at her, just watched her breathe and she stayed in the same corner of the bucket. I removed about a gallon of her water, replacing it with half gallon of fresh water, and put another gallon up to drip into her bucket. By this time, I could have put her in the QT, but didn't want to 'stress by net' her. I dropped in a seasoned sponge filter instead.
When I got up for work a few hours later, she was gone :(. So now I need to find another, as adding a single male to my Albino pair really doesn't make for a good ratio for a peaceful/productive tank.
If anyone knows of a local place that has any for sale (preferably reasonably priced adults), please let me know. I'd like to pick up a couple of females - either standard or albino.
*** Thanks to Nick for the Salties!
*** Thanks to Philbert for the teamwork on the Mollies
*** Thanks to Charles for being a grand Auctioneer! and answering silly questions for me :).
*** Thanks to Dave of davesfish for bringing a nice selection of beautiful fish, and for answering all my questions :)
***Thanks to anyone who can tell me who "IGB" is and/or how to contact them, so I can see if he/she has anymore Taiwan Reef's available....
I had a great time, and Zulaab - keep me posted with pics of that cute little decorus so I can watch him grow up too :)
Girl and Guygeek: Glad you don't have to get rid of any more furniture with the new tank additions - really a cushioned coffee table is all you should need. Oh, and those are some kewl man-sandals ya got there Guygeek!
The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD. Who says you can`t have it all??!!
Spot -- I will keep some pictures going come in time. I am starting to read up on them and see what size tank they need etc. I am trying to figure out what I need to make them happy :)
I can barely find anything about how big they get...
-- Jesper
What fish do Jesper have 180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
110 Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
58 S. Decorus "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher
Well, I came home with only three plants! I'm still in shock, that's the lightest package I've ever taken out of the HAS auction 8O . I snagged a beautiful, huge Amazon Sword, a super nice Bolbitus that Mzungu brought and a great looking Crypt fishysue brought. I also met and remet a lot of great folks like Polly and Tim and was glad to see Jared and get an update on the abn's as well as visit with anyone else who I could drag into a conversation :chatterbox: . All in all, I think I did more socializing than bidding as evidenced by my meager winnings.
Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...
Only livestock I came home with were 2 Yellow Rainbows. They were pretty nice size and have nice color.
Java Moss
Xmas Moss
Sm. heater
African Root Decor
Stump looking Driftwood (My prize for the day)
Anubis plant
Oh, and some soil, I forget which kind. 20# of it.
Steak was great. I tip my hat to HAS having the event. I always enjoy myself when I can make it.
At that point he will be living in my 75.. the only tank big enough to keep him.. then he gets moved to the geeks house or Mike's for continued growth if it came to that.. Right now I need for him/her to grow another inch and then be moved into my 58 which is where he is needed the most.
What fish do Jesper have 180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
110 Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
58 S. Decorus "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher
My Ocellifer is about 7" and is in my 100. It seems small for him. That's probably cause the footprint is 4'x2', and the huge chunk of driftwood takes up a lot of space. I think you'll have a long while until he gets that big.
I'm sure you've already checked out this article, from one of my favorite sites. I'm sure you'll enjoy the little guy - he's gonna be a real looker!
The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD. Who says you can`t have it all??!!
Well this was my first H.A.S. auction and I had a great time. I had so much fun I became a member.
I bought:
1- red fin compressisep
3-peppered cory cats ( I think everyone there bought some) lol
4-juli. marlieri
1-bottle carbon
I also bought 2 other items I was just tring to get the bidding started and I was the only one to bid on them.
1-yellow lab
1-bag of holy rock
I got to meet alot of new people from the fish box and I would like to thank all of you for treating me like a long time friend.
Well this was my first H.A.S. auction and I had a great time. I had so much fun I became a member.
I bought:
1- red fin compressisep
3-peppered cory cats ( I think everyone there bought some) lol
4-juli. marlieri
1-bottle carbon
I also bought 2 other items I was just tring to get the bidding started and I was the only one to bid on them.
1-yellow lab
1-bag of holy rock
I got to meet alot of new people from the fish box and I would like to thank all of you for treating me like a long time friend.