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Tropheus Brichardi M'toto

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  • Tropheus Brichardi M'toto

    Tropheus Brichardi M'toto

    The wilds are getting more color and the juvies are getting big and plump. Have had a few females hold, but not to term.. hopefully soon

    [YOUTUBE]<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

  • #2
    Clean fishes.

    What's up with the algae?

    It looks a little low.

    You going on a posting spree tonight foo.
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #3
      very nice...looks very clean.
      250gallon-Wild Angels, community


      • #4
        your putting the rest of us to shame!
        250gallon-Wild Angels, community


        • #5
          Been cutting my lights back to lessen the growth on the glass. They can still graze some and I don't have to scrape the glass as much. Plus, I just removed the red fins so hopefully more to graze for the trophs and more action with the females for my guys.

          Yep, posting junky tonight foo.


          • #6
            yeah that scraping the glass is not cool!

            Since I moved all the petros I had out, algae went nuts in just a few days.
            I ate my fish that died.


            • #7
              dang peter! you got it going on tonite... bout time you shared all these bad A$$ fishes with us and quite being so stingy .
              25g - Reef
              3.5g - Surge Tank
              10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


              • #8

                That's what I been told him. He needs to host a tour. Next time I hope we can hit the SW side. Just Peter and the Geeks will make it worth it.
                I ate my fish that died.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by peterp63 View Post
                  Been cutting my lights back to lessen the growth on the glass. They can still graze some and I don't have to scrape the glass as much. Plus, I just removed the red fins so hopefully more to graze for the trophs and more action with the females for my guys.

                  Yep, posting junky tonight foo.
                  where did you put the longola?
                  petro crazy!!!


                  • #10
                    he got them in with the famulas I think.
                    I ate my fish that died.


                    • #11
                      Very nice.

                      You are makin' me want to do videos and post them.
                      300+RR (8-10 ft x 30"x30") - Waiting to find it... Lake Tanganyikan
                      225RR (72"x24"Wx29"H) DSA - Lake Tanganyikan WC Murago
                      210RR (60"x24"Wx32"H) AGE - Lake Tanganyikan WC IN PROGRESS
                      160RR 1/2 cylinder (60"x30"Wx30"H) AGE - Altum Biotope IN PROGRESS
                      90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Rio Meta Biotope
                      90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Lake Valencia Biotope
                      2x46 Bowfront- Q/Holding Tank


                      • #12
                        Videos are cool for the tropheus brichardi. For some reason, they all school tighter than anything other sp. of tropheus.

                        The namansi I have, are the second colony of bricardi I had, and they school as tight if not tighter then the ulwiles when I had those.

                        The mtoto seen to school really tight also. When I saw the original colony of 70-80 strong they swam really close together and back and froth at Mike's. Tighter than in the video posted by Peter.

                        Don't know if they lost this character because most are f1, but I think it's because they are just small. They should school just as tight when are all full grown.
                        I ate my fish that died.


                        • #13
                          Nice vid Peter. One of my favorite variants.


                          • #14
                            You are correct about how tight they school, especially after I added the Vortech. My rainbows variants dont have anything on them regarding schooling.
                            300+RR (8-10 ft x 30"x30") - Waiting to find it... Lake Tanganyikan
                            225RR (72"x24"Wx29"H) DSA - Lake Tanganyikan WC Murago
                            210RR (60"x24"Wx32"H) AGE - Lake Tanganyikan WC IN PROGRESS
                            160RR 1/2 cylinder (60"x30"Wx30"H) AGE - Altum Biotope IN PROGRESS
                            90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Rio Meta Biotope
                            90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Lake Valencia Biotope
                            2x46 Bowfront- Q/Holding Tank


                            • #15
                              Both of my vortechs were at the lowest setting during that video. I just did a water change and they were shaking like crazy, but with so much current I think it was impacting their mojo.

