Aquarium : Oceanic Cherry Oak 150 gallon
Stand : Andy Fishland Cherry Oak custom
Filtration : 2-Fluval FX5's
Lighting : 2- Single Bulb 36" T8 flourescent 9325K
Decoration : Limestone Holey Rock, no substrate
Fishes : 26 W.C Tropheus brichardi "Ujiji" and 1-Regular Bristlenose Pleco

Stand : Andy Fishland Cherry Oak custom
Filtration : 2-Fluval FX5's
Lighting : 2- Single Bulb 36" T8 flourescent 9325K
Decoration : Limestone Holey Rock, no substrate
Fishes : 26 W.C Tropheus brichardi "Ujiji" and 1-Regular Bristlenose Pleco
