to clean the sand I normally just skim the top to get what I can. Sometimes I put my hands down in it and turn it over slowly as to not throw sand everywhere. If air bubbles are coming out of the sand...I believe that is bad, so i just do it until I dont see air coming out anymore. Congrats on the trophs...thats a very cool varient, I almost got some myself. as for feeding, I would try and feed only once a day for the first two or three days and then bump it up to twice a day. I would feed them what they are already being fed, and if you want to change it just slowly add what you want them to eat in with every feeding...a little more each time until they are eating what you want them to. Personally, I buy Dainichi Veggie Deluxe baby, Dainichi Veggie FX baby, Dainichi Color Supreme small, and NLS cichlid formula and just all of it in a container and shake it up real well. Then I use a tspn and just give them a single scoop per feeding. I was doing big water changes 1x per week for a while and had decent breeding luck...then I switched to 2x 50% water changes weekly and the breeding has just went nuts. Good luck with them...PUT UP SOME PICS
to clean the sand I normally just skim the top to get what I can. Sometimes I put my hands down in it and turn it over slowly as to not throw sand everywhere. If air bubbles are coming out of the sand...I believe that is bad, so i just do it until I dont see air coming out anymore. Congrats on the trophs...thats a very cool varient, I almost got some myself. as for feeding, I would try and feed only once a day for the first two or three days and then bump it up to twice a day. I would feed them what they are already being fed, and if you want to change it just slowly add what you want them to eat in with every feeding...a little more each time until they are eating what you want them to. Personally, I buy Dainichi Veggie Deluxe baby, Dainichi Veggie FX baby, Dainichi Color Supreme small, and NLS cichlid formula and just all of it in a container and shake it up real well. Then I use a tspn and just give them a single scoop per feeding. I was doing big water changes 1x per week for a while and had decent breeding luck...then I switched to 2x 50% water changes weekly and the breeding has just went nuts. Good luck with them...PUT UP SOME PICS