Guys I had it so easy with my Chilanga seems I put them in the tank and in a months time they were spitting fry about 10 per spit! This was my first Troph's tank and I thought it was easy to get em to breed! I then got the bug year later to move the Chilanga to new 75gallon from there 125 so I could put my new 15 Ikola in the 125! Well the Chilanga stopped breeding at this time and for the next 6 months no fry. My Ikola would T-position up allot but I never saw eggs and only had one female spit 1fry in those 6 months! I got frustrated with the two tanks and no breeding and put both groups together for 4.5 months and no breeding still! Now I have sold the Chilanga, and purchased 26 more wild caught Ikola to go with my Previous group to bring total up to 40 Ikola in 125 I may have a few holding but not sure and never see fry. I look back at my Chilanga and how easy they were I had 3 emperror 400 and an FX5 for filtration. Now I have added a WD 300 from Eshopps back a year ago also. Does other tropheus keepers have these problems also? I have not changed a thing, still do two large water changes a week, still feed NLS, Kens Flakes, same lighting same rocks. My Ikola do there T-position mating at both ends all day long aggression has gotten lots better all fish are eating where am I going wrong or did I just get lucky with the Chilanga the first try? Happy ThanksGiving everyone! Chris
p.s. I have tried two large rock piles, three rock piles, river rock, holey rock etc........ I guess I have had the new 26 for just less then a month now also. Thanks All. CD
p.s. I have tried two large rock piles, three rock piles, river rock, holey rock etc........ I guess I have had the new 26 for just less then a month now also. Thanks All. CD