It comes down to personal preference. I prefer Clout to Metro because Metro always clobbers my bacteria.
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Rethink Bloat Treatments - CLOUT soon discontinued
Originally posted by Lawsman View PostI'm a newbie to Troph's, but I thought Metro was the med. most use to treat Bloat?
When I see early signs of bloat I treat with metro.
If I see later signs of bloat then I treat with clout.
Clout can kill fishes that are weak.....I learned this the hard way.
Clout also turn tank seals blue.
I hoard both.I ate my fish that died.
Clout is the preferred bloat treatment for most Tropheus people I hang with.
Clout will stain silicone blue because of the Malchite Green component in the med. It can be reduced, with waterchanges during the treatment and upping your pH. Lower pH values increase the chance of staining the silicone.
I typically waterchange every 3rd day during bloat treatments, but many more waterchange daily, which is what I would prefer to do given time and resources.380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola
Don't matter if you treat with either metro or clout. I found both to be effective. It's most important to have the meds in hand and hit the tank at the right time. Waiting for meds will kill these fishes.
If you have to ask yourself, "Man, my fishes are acting funny, should I hit them with meds?" That means you should have started treatments already.....I ate my fish that died.
Plus, you can take powder in your coffee just as easily as you can wash down a tablet with coffee (or whatever your beverage of choice is).
Soon, we'll go the way of the British where they're very stict about antibiotics.
Clout is a carcinogenic, I wonder if that has anything to do with its being discontinued? Can you imagine being dumb enough to take that stuff? I cringed and apologised to my fish when I had to treat with it.
Jenney.Question Authority.
75- WC Ilangi, S. tinanti, N. brevis
55- Grow-out- T. brichardi namansi, S. babaulti.
I am in agreement with those that think the people stupid enough to do things should suffer the consequences....
In Montana, we had a no speed limit for years and years..... A lot of people were getting killed on the local roads for excessive speed....funny thing was that the so called officials found out that it was not the locals that were getting killed..... it was the out of state people...
Anyway... Over in Europe, in some of the Eastern Bloc countries..... Fish keepers who need a good strong antibiotic, go to their local apothecary to have a composite med made.......
Probably that is what we will end up having to do..... or have a Vetinarian source give us our meds....
By two bits..
I want to make somethings clear here first, then I got to go register at another site and set the record straight there as well.
When I spoke to John he told me that the Pond Version of Clout is no longer availible and the 1000 ct bottle is also no longer packaged. He said that CLOUT will soon no longer be made because of the FDA rules concerning that Fish meds can no longer be availible in pill form. He said that they will have to reformulate it, and who knows what it will be like in its new form.
I am not saying that you need to go out and buy up a lifetime supply of CLOUT, what I am saying is that it will no longer be in pill form, and the next generation formula could be, not that it would be, different and it quite not the same results. In pill form what was more stable and had longer shelf life, may not be the same when it is powderform in this new formula.
John said that the fluke tabs are no longer availble, which is also another API product.
Just wanted to make this clear. The 100ct and 10packs are still out there, he just said that soon will be a thing of the past because of the FDA rules.Last edited by geoff_tropheus; 12-05-2009, 05:30 PM.380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola