I have been bitten by the Petro bug! Although I have had quiet a few Petrochromis in my tanks, they have stayed for only a brief time before moving on to new homes. My recent group (the Red Luagala Pt.) have been with me for about a month, by far the longest I have kept a group of Petros, and have really done a sales job on convincing me these are great fish to keep. Here is a video of them trying out some shrimp mix: I am amazed wild fish are this friendly in such a short period of time. No matter what time of day (or how many times) I go in the fish room, the whole group rushes to the end of the tank nearest the door. Of course they are wanting to be fed, but none of my other wild fish have ever acted like this. If all Petros are this much fun, I'll just have to have some of each type! 
