This is an Ilangi subadult I've grown out since October when it was a little over and inch long. It's about 3 inches now and is, by far the largest of all the 22 I bought back then. He's never shown any color other than the one you see. Not even a second of a hint of a red tint in his dorsal fin. Other, much smaller members of that group have shown full Ilangi coloration and all, but this one, have at least flared up their dorsal fins. Any ideas? He's in a colony of about 40 in a 125 6 footer. He's an F1.

I got a new camera. And thought I'd include a few other pix of the Ilangi colony.
I've only had it for a couple of days, but already I can tell a difference in photos.

This guy is sure taking his time to grow out.

Thanks for looking! Thanks for any ideas regarding the

I got a new camera. And thought I'd include a few other pix of the Ilangi colony.
I've only had it for a couple of days, but already I can tell a difference in photos.

This guy is sure taking his time to grow out.

Thanks for looking! Thanks for any ideas regarding the