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Petrochromis Famula "Chimba"

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  • Petrochromis Famula "Chimba"

    Some pictures of my petros.

    Let me know what you guys think!
    I ate my fish that died.

  • #2
    very nice
    So many things can be a mystery, when all we're seeking is freedom...


    • #3
      Thank you kindly Sir!

      They are just in a holding tank right now.

      I expect more color when they are back to breeding condition.
      I ate my fish that died.


      • #4
        Looks good MJ. Was wondering why some wee black and some yellow flank. They look like they getting some size to them



        • #5
          yeah, when I got these they looked like Jews in a WWII concentrations camp. It was really bad man. I thought some were not going to make it. Really out of condition with the sunken gut and cheek bones and all that.

          They are getting better now. Males are wanting to breed constantly but the females are not doing their part. I'm thinking they need more conditioning before they will want to hold for a month.

          How big is your colony now? You got any females holding?
          Last edited by myjohnson; 07-05-2010, 10:12 AM. Reason: sp
          I ate my fish that died.


          • #6
            And more pictures!

            I ate my fish that died.


            • #7
              Petrochromis Famula "Chimba"

              Hey Thai, nice shots as always!


              • #8
                Nice pictures, Thai, and the fish look great!
                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mgarrido View Post
                  Hey Thai, nice shots as always!
                  Thanks Miggy! But you know you are better than me!

                  What you need to do is post pictures of your new set-up!
                  I ate my fish that died.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mzungu View Post
                    Nice pictures, Thai, and the fish look great!
                    Thanks MB! You know these were Geoff's right?

                    Peter got geoff's 21 and 4 more from Scott. Surprisingly a lot of the f1s made it!

                    But under the panda's care they did not grow much from when geoff sold them to him.

                    I'm also planning to add a box of WCs soon. These will be housed in my 8 footer.
                    I ate my fish that died.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
                      Thanks MB! You know these were Geoff's right?

                      Peter got geoff's 21 and 4 more from Scott. Surprisingly a lot of the f1s made it!

                      But under the panda's care they did not grow much from when geoff sold them to him.

                      I'm also planning to add a box of WCs soon. These will be housed in my 8 footer.
                      I did NOT know that. How cool! I'm extra glad they're doing well with you, then!
                      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                      • #12
                        Yea, you got some pale and thin ones in there. Keep me in mind when you get some more in. Mine are looking good now. Waiting on some fry still.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mzungu View Post
                          I did NOT know that. How cool! I'm extra glad they're doing well with you, then!
                          Thanks MB, hopefully under my care they will do as well as when they were under Geoff's! But how can I compare myself to the king?

                          I actually missed on these 3 times before finally getting them!

                          First, EK offered me his 19. I only had my 75g so I had to turned them down.

                          Second, Luis had some (from EK) and I was thinking about getting them but both my tanks had tropheus at the time and I didn't want them to interrupt the breeding.

                          Third, Geoff was getting ready to sale them and I was PMing with him back and forth. Peter came first so I was next in line. Peter flaked a few times and Geoff gave him one more chance. Peter finally picked them up and I lost my chance again to get them.

                          Finally, Peter the panda decided to sell them and I couldn't pass them up! time was right cause I'm working on the new tank.
                          I ate my fish that died.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 76dragon View Post
                            Yea, you got some pale and thin ones in there. Keep me in mind when you get some more in. Mine are looking good now. Waiting on some fry still.
                            Yeah. Some are still thin. But after 3 weeks of 3mm NLS they are getting a lot of size back! Maybe we can go half on a box of WCs. I'll see what Mike (CS) can do.

                            About 2-3 years ago Mike had some WCs come in. I have no idea who he sold those WCs too. I know Traci has a few chimbas too. But I don't know if those are the WC or are they f1s or who she even got them from. Hopefully Traci can post something and shed some light.
                            I ate my fish that died.


                            • #15

                              And the final shots from yesterday's photo session.
                              I ate my fish that died.

