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Tropheus matrix

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  • Tropheus matrix

    I had an ideal for while an would like some input.

    I want to create a matrix showing which trophs is compatibly with other trophs.

    Since some have had mix colonies at one time or another. I think a more recent matrix would give new users and some old ones what trophs can be kept together.


  • #2
    as much as i myself would love to mix trophs,and have tryed just to see what out come i would have,id never do a mix troph tank again after what i saw,im real big on speices only troph tanks now,just never know where those fry are going to end up..............but if its just a show tank,mix away,hopefully any fry become live food,if i walked in to buy F1's off some body and seen even two colonies of extremely different variants that are said to be ok together,id walk out lol.........just my opinion on the topic,but they sure do look good mixed,i myself am going to try a group of moliro's from my wilds with the digrammas,but even there it makes me nervous lol,so close in body profile
    Last edited by TROPHS4LIFE; 08-03-2010, 01:31 PM.



    • #3
      I kept duboisi Maswa and Katoto together and both bred while in the tank together. Tank size was a standard 135gallon tank. I have kept Duboisi Maswa and Chimba together as well and both bred while in the same tank. tank size was 210gallon. Never once saw any mixing of the species...and I watch my tank ALOT!!!
      250gallon-Wild Angels, community

