Setting up a new 210, and tentitively plan to stock with Petrochromis/Tropheus. Have been almost out of the hobby for some time, but have always kept something going (20g with 1 adult tropheus right now). The tanks not drilled. Current equipment on hand is 2x emperor 400s, 1 Rena fx5 and a couple of 300w heaters. Afraid I don't have enough filtration? Do I need a W/D w/HOB overflow? Putting another big canister in the mix would be easier for me, not to mention a lot less expense. What about the fishes? I've been researching and advice seems to bo go with famula or trews to start with but I don't have any market up here (Shreveport) to trade out stock with if i want to go to something else later. Impulse has got me wanting to go right to Moshi's, Macros and Reds. Some Nice WC seem to become available fairly often but i might just go with F1s. I'll probably go single varient on the tropheus. Advice or input.
Incedently, I have a Houston connection in my inlaws living in Katy and I get down there once or twice a year. That's why I thought I'd ask you folks/
Incedently, I have a Houston connection in my inlaws living in Katy and I get down there once or twice a year. That's why I thought I'd ask you folks/