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Houston, we have a problem.

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  • Houston, we have a problem.

    Hey Everyone,
    I just wanted to share with you the news..I am moving to Houston (Friendswood is looking the best based on my cyber-search) with my husband and daughter...and of course, my five groups of Trophs and their tanks.
    Gabe put down February 1st as his available start date. So we will be arriving with all my wet pets a titch before then. As the details unfold, I'll let you guys know. We will be out there in mid January to scout out a home to rent.
    Can't wait to meet you guys!
    Question Authority.
    75- WC Ilangi, S. tinanti, N. brevis
    55- Grow-out- T. brichardi namansi, S. babaulti.

  • #2
    Welcome to the hood. I live in Friendswood, so if you have any questions or need anything just let me know. Look forward to seeing your fish.
    Fishtafarian- Fish are more than just a hobby, they are an obsession.

    110 gal Tall (Angel Community)
    29 gal (Planted Puffer)
    10 gal (snails and small planted)
    5 gal Hex (shrimp)


    • #3
      Welcome Jenney. You will now be expected to attend all Houston Tropheus & Petrochromis meetings and tank tours. You may even have to host depending on where you settle down
      120g - Tropheus Moorii Kambwimba
      180g - Petrochromis Macrognathus Dine/Tropheus Moorii Namansi I

      "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains"....Winston Churchill

      "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm"....Winston Churchill


      • #4
        I can't wait to live in the mecca for Tropheus.
        For awhile, I was considering selling off a few of my groups to make the move easier. But I have a plan that will simplify their move and I won't have to sell any off. I am a hoarder and broke out into a cold sweat when I thought about having to let some go.
        I look forward to tours, meetings and hosting. And Thai's shenanagans...
        Yippee! A new adventure.
        Question Authority.
        75- WC Ilangi, S. tinanti, N. brevis
        55- Grow-out- T. brichardi namansi, S. babaulti.


        • #5

          Trophs & Petros ONLY


          • #6
            Me and Freespool live in the same neighborhood.

            Lot of rental houses available.

            Send one of us a pm and we'll point you in the right direction.


            • #7
              That's great new Jen!

              I can house at least two groups and know people that can house the rest during your move.

              PM for details if needed.

              Houston just took a step up on the tropheus/petro world with you coming to town!
              I ate my fish that died.


              • #8
                Welcome to H-town .....Jenney !!!


                • #9
                  If you need help shipping your fish and/or parking them for a while, I can certainly help in that regard.
                  I will also keep the asians from trying to eat them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bethesdaboy View Post
                    I will also keep the asians from trying to eat them.
                    This is going down as the Quote of the year 2010 in my books.
                    Fishtafarian- Fish are more than just a hobby, they are an obsession.

                    110 gal Tall (Angel Community)
                    29 gal (Planted Puffer)
                    10 gal (snails and small planted)
                    5 gal Hex (shrimp)


                    • #11
                      I will seriously consider shipping them before we get out there so I can have peace of mind and not have to rush to set up tanks the moment we get thru the door. Doing it that way, though would save me from having to do much schlepping of other household items.
                      I think I"m still going to get dividers for my 125 (with a 40 gallon sump) so I can put the musanga, namansi and lupota in with the moops. I will leave the Ilangi alone in their tank. That way, when it's go time, I only have to drain two tanks. Which translates into less time in bags.
                      My first inclination is to combine the groups (with dividers to keep them separated from each other...not necessarily for fear of interbreeding but for sorting purposes...stressed out moorii/tropheus all look the same to me). Then, siphon off the substrate and dump in the creek behind our house along with the river stone. Then, get four, 40 gallon rubbermaid tubs with mature sponge filters hooked up to airpumps that I can run in my car. Then put the fish in them. I can take them into the motel room for the overnight (I have a four year old who probably won't weather a straight thru trip very well). I can do water changes on them if need be and I can treat them with metro. The fish would be the last out of the old place and first into the new.

                      My Ilangi are very high strung and have bloated for less stress than this. And I wouldn't want to put that stress on someone else who is being nice and doing me a favor by housing them while we move. The other groups are very laid back and resiliant. Maybe I can just transport the Ilangi in my car and ship the others? The other consideration is cost...shipping will be expensive for that quantity of fish and we need just about every penny to fund moving our stuff. Glad I have a few weeks to work out the kinks.

                      I really appreciate everyone's generosity and willingness to help. You guys kick a$$.

                      Question Authority.
                      75- WC Ilangi, S. tinanti, N. brevis
                      55- Grow-out- T. brichardi namansi, S. babaulti.


                      • #12
                        shipping with southwest is still pretty cheap


                        • #13
                          Much to my chagrin, Southwest doesn't come to the ATL. You'd think it would, being the busiest airport in the country....
                          I'll call around and get prices.
                          Question Authority.
                          75- WC Ilangi, S. tinanti, N. brevis
                          55- Grow-out- T. brichardi namansi, S. babaulti.


                          • #14
                            Awesome! You're going to add a lot to the Troph/Petro scene!

                            You'll love it here. :biggrin:
                            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                            • #15
                              A few weeks back I had a single box of fish shipped from Atlanta to Hobby via Continental cargo. I think it was about $55-60.
                              210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
                              135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
                              125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
                              90G star sapphire
                              75G buccochromis rhoadesii
                              55G ?
                              30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry

