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  • 90

    I'm setting up a 90 gallon tropheus tank - can you guys see any problems with what I have planned?

    (2) 2217s

    MP40 or (2) MP10s

    15 ilangi
    15 ikola
    Will these fish work together with minimum chance of interbreeding? If not, do you guys think maswa would be a better choice to minimize crossing?

    I plan on thinning the heard once they get some size on them for a 2.7 ratio on both for a total of 18 fish.

    Anyone see any problems with the above?

    I'm also looking for ilangi fry if anyone has any available...

    180 - reef
    30 - reef

  • #2
    Sounds good, I had Tropheus morri golden kazumbas in with maswas in a 75g I think maswas would be a better choice, but ilangi should work.
    They are very different sp.

    Setup sounds great.

    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


    • #3
      I had ilangi with ikola with not problem (for a year) and now i have the ilangi with the dubs maswa (for more than a year), better combo imho. For filtration i think you are fine but i would suggest more surface aggitation (wet/dry or AquaClear 110). Vortechs are not needed for your setup (2 Koralias can do the job), they are cool but not needed, save the money for more and better filtration.


      • #4
        I would up the filter game.

        Canisters are not so good at oxygenating the water.

        I would do two 2217 and put a wet/dry on that tank.
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #5
          Yep a small W/D will do wonders for that tank.


          • #6
            I would say a proclear 75 w/ mag 7 or a proclear 150 w/ mag 9
            FRENCH FRY!!!

            55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


            • #7
              +1 on wet/dry comment.

              I also tend to think you should up your numbers, just my opinion though. You may end up losing some and you don't want to be stuck with a small number - will be harder for you to manage.
              300g - Petrochromis Texas "Red Fin" Longola, Petrochromis Red Bulu, Tropheus Red Rainbow Kansanga.


              • #8
                I would go 25 total, single colony.

                Pick ilangi and never look back.
                I ate my fish that died.


                • #9
                  I agree with Thai go with two Eheims and a wetdry. But disagree with miggy go with the vortechs. Haha
                  And up the numbers pack them in. I had thirty trophs in a 75 and it worked great for me but like befor mentioned up your filter game
                  Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


                  • #10
                    I saw on another thread that Justin mentioned that AC 110s made great mechanical filters. I also noticed on another forum (trophs) that someone mentioned they use nothing but ACs so I think I'm going to ditch the wet/dry and run (2) AC 110s and (2) 2217s. Ideally it will save me some loot and time on maintenance.

                    What do you guys think???

                    I think I'm going all ilangi on the fish. I plan on buying 2 or 3 F1 batches from different suppliers hoping to spread the gene pool a little. Is this a good idea or am I wasting time/money doing this?
                    180 - reef
                    30 - reef


                    • #11
                      I'm glad my thoughts can be useful to you sir. When are you planning on setting up this new tank?
                      Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jhenry View Post
                        When are you planning on setting up this new tank?
                        A week or two. Need to order the tank and stand. How backed up are you on stands right now?
                        180 - reef
                        30 - reef


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JasonC View Post
                          A week or two. Need to order the tank and stand. How backed up are you on stands right now?
                          Actually I'm kind of free in a couple days. I'm never to busy for you Jason
                          Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


                          • #14
                            Going to do my 90 build on this thread....

                            Tank will house 25-30 ilangi fry. Once they get some size on them I will vent them and hope for 3-5 males and 15 females

                            90 gallon tank (should be in early next week)
                            Custom Aquarium Cabinets stand (ready when it's ready)
                            (2) Eheim 2217s (got them today)
                            (2) AC 110s (got them last week and 1 is running on the 30)
                            JBJ True temp heater/controller

                            Here's what the new tank is replacing (and where). 30 gallon oceanic cube

                            filters in (thank you city pets!)

                            painting all of the intakes and exhaust black

                            Speaking of painting...which background do you think tropheus show better colors on - black or blue? Anyone know the name of the blue color or who makes it?
                            180 - reef
                            30 - reef


                            • #15
                              What you used for paint the pipes? Looks nice compared with the original ugly green color. For ilangi, they looks more brilliants in blue background and clear rocks.

