I just want to share this story...
Tonight I decided to rearrange the rocks in the Nkonde tank because one of the males is taking over about 1/2 the tank. The aggression from this one male is out of control.
So I got in there and started unstacking the rocks and laying them out on the sand. This is a 135 Gallon, so I'm armpit deep in the tank. All of a sudden, I feel something lock down on the skin on my forearm and just start shaking like a pitbull! 8O I yelped (mostly out of surprise) and the Nkonde let go. But about a second later, another one locked on! And then 2 more! They were literally shaking their little bodies attempting to (I assume) rip some of the skin off my arm. My sweet, gentle little Nkondes tried to make a meal out of my arm! So much for them being vegetarians.
Needless to say, I will be very careful about leaning too far over the tank from now on, because if any of these little guys ever get a direct shot at my throat, I'm sure I'm done for.
Tonight I decided to rearrange the rocks in the Nkonde tank because one of the males is taking over about 1/2 the tank. The aggression from this one male is out of control.
So I got in there and started unstacking the rocks and laying them out on the sand. This is a 135 Gallon, so I'm armpit deep in the tank. All of a sudden, I feel something lock down on the skin on my forearm and just start shaking like a pitbull! 8O I yelped (mostly out of surprise) and the Nkonde let go. But about a second later, another one locked on! And then 2 more! They were literally shaking their little bodies attempting to (I assume) rip some of the skin off my arm. My sweet, gentle little Nkondes tried to make a meal out of my arm! So much for them being vegetarians.

Needless to say, I will be very careful about leaning too far over the tank from now on, because if any of these little guys ever get a direct shot at my throat, I'm sure I'm done for.
