Just did a full water test on my Ilangi tank..... background....
37 Ilangi's
125g tank
2x 100% waterchange weekly
~40x circulation rate/ 20x turnover rate
18x feedings a day which is about 8tsp per day
VitaminC once a day at 1/8tsp
Epsom salt once a week for full tank volume
Seachem Nourish vitamin supplement
Here's what I got from the tests....did it twice to make sure and some with different test kits...
TDS - 68ppm
pH - 8.0
KH - 10dKH
GH - 24dGH
Ca2+ - 100ppm
PO3-4 - 0.0-0.25ppm
VitC - 2ppm
NH3 - 0ppm
N02 - 0ppm
N03 - 0-5ppm
Salinity - 0ppt
What blows me away is the TDS.....that's lower then what's measured in Fiji bottled water 8O
37 Ilangi's
125g tank
2x 100% waterchange weekly
~40x circulation rate/ 20x turnover rate
18x feedings a day which is about 8tsp per day
VitaminC once a day at 1/8tsp
Epsom salt once a week for full tank volume
Seachem Nourish vitamin supplement
Here's what I got from the tests....did it twice to make sure and some with different test kits...
TDS - 68ppm
pH - 8.0
KH - 10dKH
GH - 24dGH
Ca2+ - 100ppm
PO3-4 - 0.0-0.25ppm
VitC - 2ppm
NH3 - 0ppm
N02 - 0ppm
N03 - 0-5ppm
Salinity - 0ppt
What blows me away is the TDS.....that's lower then what's measured in Fiji bottled water 8O