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WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme - Which Collection Point?

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  • #16
    Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

    Jeebus or anyone,

    If you Google Tanzanian Red Rainbow and go to Kerrigan's Aquatics, are those pics of Kambwimba's or Kasanga's or something else?  Sure are spectacular.


    • #17
      Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme


      • #18
        Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

        D, he did, but I wasn't paying attention. I'll ask him again this week. There was nothing secretive about it, I was just pre-occupied.

        I've seen both fish sold/labeled as Kambwimba and Kagsanga with that darker, more pronounced color. I have both, and some of mine actually will color up from that color to the softer more vibrant color with the blue/purple hues in the tips of the dorsal fin.

        This one is my alpha, and is always this color, but some of the sub-dominant ones start the color above, and will turn to this when eating, or when happy and no one is near the tank:

        Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


        • #19
          Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

          Looks like they're telling each other a secret lol..
          Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


          • #20
            Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

            Found a post on another forum that said there were four "villages" in Tanzania, only about 5 km in shore line where they came from.  They said the blue in the dorsal was found more around Kasanga and the closer you got to the Kalmabo River, the less blue in the dorsal.  Sounded like there was close to one Tanzanian Red Rainbow on those 5 km in shoreline.  Really nice variant, Jeebus.


            • #21
              Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

              Yeah, I've read similar things. I think it really comes down to splitting hairs when choosing based on collection point for this variant. I know purests will tell you different, but from the hobbiest's stand point, I don't think it matters. I think this is the case with more than a few variants as well.

              Thanks for the compliment on the variant. I'm at the mercy of the mood of my fish. I've been feeding more veggie flake and less NLS, and they seem really happy. I'm doing water changes once a week @ 70% with deep gravel vacuuming. I've also let the back and two sides of the tank cover with algae.

              Still no breeding, but everywhere I've read, it takes a long time for them to get going. Plus they're still a little small. Overall though I think this hits the nail on the head when it comes to perfection in fish keeping for me. I'm happy with them, and they seem as happy as tank-kept fish could be. The only thing left that I want at this point is to get them a bigger tank!

              (Seriously, I want an 8x2!  )
              Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


              • #22
                Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

                Did you have an issue on the NLS?  You think the real purple on the one Kerrigan shot was just the angle?  Pretty sweet in that one shot!


                • #23
                  Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

                  Yeah, I think with fish photography you can have 10 people take a picture of a fish, all with the same camera, and all ten pictures will look like different fish.

                  In the Kerrigan's case you can tell that its a screen capture from a video of those fish. Probably 8mm, if not VHS, neither digital.

                  I try to not use the flash when taking pictures. Its nearly impossible to get a good shot due to the required ISO rating/shutter speed/apature setting as 9 out of 10 of my pictures are too dark, grainy, blurry, or just bad angle. Every now and then though I get a good shot that reflects what the fish actually looks like to the human eye - but its rare.

                  Most times the flash on a camera will wash out the subtle colors, only bringing out the bold colors. Its a tricky business taking pictures of fish and I think most times people don't have endless amounts of time to take hundreds of pictures to get the most accurate shot, so they use the tried & true flash shot. Its reliable, as it does give you a crisp clean picuture of a fish most times.

                  As for the NLS, no issues. The Geeks got me hooked on flake a while back and the fish really seem to enjoy it. They attack the flake more aggressively than the pellet.
                  Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                  • #24
                    Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

                    All Red Rainbows come from Tanzania.  They only differ slightly in color, some are more red, more blue, more yellow...but one thing is certain...awesome fish..if you like eye candy trophs.

                    Awesome fish...
                    380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                    300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                    180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                    150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                    • #25
                      Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme

                      nice eye candy jeebus.
                      I ate my fish that died.


                      • #26
                        Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme - Which Collection Point?

                        i have only 8 wcs,but they are a awesome looking my oppinion they are second to the ilangi.

                        mine are supposed to be kasanga
                        petro crazy!!!


                        • #27
                          Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme - Which Collection Point?

                          I wouldn't say second.....they look good in their own right. They have that blue which the ilangis don't.
                          I ate my fish that died.


                          • #28
                            Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme - Which Collection Point?

                            you saying they look better.they might,but ilangi are #1 as far as tropheus least what ive seen. 8)
                            petro crazy!!!


                            • #29
                              Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme - Which Collection Point?

                              Well, I have ilangi so I'm just trying to be unbias.

                              IMHO, a lot of it has to do with stock quality. I would rather have a nice colony of RR instead of poor quality ilangi with black spots all over them.

                              Honestly, all good quality tropheus look good.
                              I ate my fish that died.


                              • #30
                                Re: WC Red Rainbows at Xtreme - Which Collection Point?

                                ive only had mine for a couple weeks now,and they are really looking very satisfied with i need about 12 more of
                                petro crazy!!!

